Discussion of article "Custom Graphical Controls. Part 2. Control Library"


New article Custom Graphical Controls. Part 2. Control Library is published:

The second article of the "Custom Graphical Controls" series introduces a control library for handling the main problems arising in interaction between a program (Expert Advisor, script, indicator) and a user. The library contains a great number of classes (CInputBox, CSpinInputBox, CCheckBox, CRadioGroup, CVSсrollBar, CHSсrollBar, CList, CListMS, CComBox, CHMenu, CVMenu, CHProgress, CDialer, CDialerInputBox, CTable) and examples of their use.

Fig. 11. CHProgress Class (Horizontal Progress Bar)

Fig. 11. CHProgress (Horizontal Progress Bar)

Fig. 12. CDialer Class (Dialer)

Fig. 12. CDialer Class (Dialer)

Author: Дмитрий


Seems that IncGUI_v2.mqh is not joined yet.

Seems that IncGUI_v2.mqh is not joined yet.
Thank you, fixed.

where is CChart class? 


Your includes is very-very good!

Maybe can you create a BmpButton? Or can you tell me, how can I create a normal CBmpButton over your frames?

Thanx for your help!


This is very useful. Appreciate that.
How i update a label text in real time? A label wich shows the actual price, for example.