MQL4 ticks processing


MQL4 manual states that: "An Advisor starts to run with every incoming tick for a given symbol. The Advisor will not be launched for a new, tick if it is processing the previous one at this moment (i.e., the Advisor has not completed its operation yet)."

 My question is it possible to overcome this limitation since market is becoming more and more intensive. Because of this limitation during intensive trading hours MQL4 misses about 25% of ticks.


Don't know how......

There are more reasons why you can miss some ticks. With manual trading you can't also react direct

Slippage is a function in your ordersend to deal with that....

Although it might be a little part of a second your connection to your broker will take also some time

In that time the price can be haved changed too 


I'm not just missing *some* ticks. I'm missing around 25% of ticks throughout the day. And I believe this happens just because of MQL ant MT4 is designed to do so - not to process all ticks, which I think is very bad idea. Also this is what manuals tells you:  "The Advisor will not be launched for a new, tick if it is processing the previous one at this moment (i.e., the Advisor has not completed its operation yet)."

The thing is that markets are getting more and more effective and the amount of ticks increased dramatically over last 5 years. Especially during active trading hours. Ticks just can't be omitted from the processing queue. All this should be done in FIFO way.

 I wish someone from Metaquotes to comment on this matter. Whether they're going to fix this problem or not.