"Fixed chart position" triangle on screen

This little triangle is something most traders haven't noticed so please read carefully which one I'm referring to - I'm NOT referring to the "chart shift triangle" at the top of the screen area.

I want to ask a question about the "Fixed chart position" triangle located at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. I can move that with my mouse but not sure what it does. Can anyone give me an example of when/why you move that particular triangle around? I'm looking for a quick way to change from fixed to not fixed chart position (instead of pressing F8 etc) and I'm hoping that little triangle is something to do with that but I don't detect anything different when I move that triangle left or right on the screen.

Thanks for your explanation....

Set the triangle to a timepoint of interest.
Change chart timeframe or zoom.
Observe result. Chart view maintains set timepoint.
Set the triangle to a timepoint of interest.
Change chart timeframe or zoom.
Observe result. Chart view maintains set timepoint.

Thank you, phy, for your reply.
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