Can't save reports or detailed reports

Everything was working fine, I was able to save statement.htm and detailestatement.htm. Then, I decided to change the folder and it quit working. It has never worked again. I looked into ...config/terminal.ini and the original path name is there. I change it to something simple, C:\, and that doesn't work. I changed it back and that doesn't work. Nothing I do will let me save a simple report or a detailed report. Is this a bug or something??? It works fine until you want to change the destination folder, then it never ever works again.


Well, guess what: I figured it out >> it was self-inflicted.

Symptom: can't "Save as Report" or "Save as Detailed Report"
Journal error indicates it can't find the template file
Reason: template for statement.htm and statementdetailed.htm are missing from the Metatrader...\Templates\ folder
Cause: I deleted everthing in the template folder because I thought I had no need for anything but my stuff.
[b]Fix[b]: 1) find statement.htm and statementdetailed.htm (tough if you've already deleted them) and copy them back into the templates folder; 2) reinstall to refresh folder contents (bad idea cuz you lose everything); or ask someone on any forum to send you a copy of those files (best solution).

Whatever was there when I installed it, I deleted it and began creating my own templates. Those two templates MUST be present in the Templates folder so deleting them is what caused the problem. After I copied them from another broker's installation, everything started working again!

Turns out that I was remembering a different scenario with a different broker AND I had never actually tried to create a report with the new broker that I installed (becaase the report stopped working in the old one!). Apparently, I had forgotten the fact that I routinely delete everything in that templates folder almost as soon as I install the software from the new broker.

Nothing like shooting one's self in the foot.


Reinstall does not "lose everything", FYI
Everything was working fine, I was able to save statement.htm and detailestatement.htm. Then, I decided to change the folder and it quit working. It has never worked again. I looked into ...config/terminal.ini and the original path name is there. I change it to something simple, C:\, and that doesn't work. I changed it back and that doesn't work. Nothing I do will let me save a simple report or a detailed report. Is this a bug or something??? It works fine until you want to change the destination folder, then it never ever works again.


i have the same problem when i try to save a detailed report ,i deleted from the templates ,how can i copy back .From where?i reinstall metatrader,or i can copy onlly the missing files?but from where.thanks