Strategy tester

Hello there
I woud appreciate if somebody coud reply me the following question. After having donwloaded all the history for a symbol, I am trying to use the strategy tester with an expert advisor on that symbol with "Every tick (the most precise method based on all avalaible least time frames to generate each tick). The probem I have is : when I run the strategy tester (if I look the journal tab) I can see that only a few ticks are thrown per day from all the ticks that are present in the history downloaded. Therefore, I cannot propery test my expert advisor. Could please anybody tell me what I have to do in order to get that the stratedy tester generate all the possible ticks for the history downloaded?
Thanks a lot for your information
Ticks amount depends from volume value

Read articles about tester
Hello Slawa
I have looked at the articles you tell me buy I still do not understand your explanation. What do u mean with "volume value"?. Moreover, I still do not know how to increase the ticks amount. Thks anyways. I would appreciate if anybody coud give me a bit more detailed explanation to increase the generated ticks.
Thks in advance
Thanks Rosh for that information. After reading deeply and carefully those two articles I have not found a clear solution to my problem. I am explaining it better. I have a really simple expert advisor. It just prints a message on the screen at each execution.

int start()

Therefore, I expect to see this message so many times printed as ticks income. For example: if I run the strategy tester from 1fst December 2007 to 30th December 2007 I can see these messages printed just for some hours like from 21 to 24 each simulated day or sometimes even less than that. Besides, I have to say that I downloaded all the history for the symbol using the history center and I did not use the import or export functions so the history should not be corrupted.

However, I have just discovered something interesting which has to do with my problem. If I run the same example I told in the last paragraph but this time with visual mode activated, I can see more or less messages printed on the screen depending on the playback speed. When I decrease the playback speed, the number of messages I see on the screen is much higher. I think that if I put the lowest possible playback speed, then I see all the messages printed according to the history that I downloaded. So, it seems as if the expert advisor is only run for all the ticks when I decrease the playback speed. Having said this, now I wonder why when I increase the playback speed a lot of messages that should be printed, are not printed. Two possible explanations come to my mind:

First possible explanation: for some reason although the program is running (the "Print" instruction included) for each tick of the history, when the play back speed is higher, the messages do not appear on my screen. To support this point I will say that if I add a sendorder instruction which opens a BUY order right after the "Print" instruction, then the BUY order is actually opened for every tick of the history altough for some of these ticks the "Print" instruction does not print anything on the screen. Moreover, this first reason seems to me the most reasonable reason but I want your opinion about it.

int start()

Second possible explanation: when I increase the play back speed, the program is not run for each tick of the history but just for a few of them and that is why I just can see a few messages printed on the screen.

Furthermore, I wonder if when I run the strategy tester with the visual mode with "high" playback speed, the situation is the same as when I run the strategy tester without the visual mode because in both cases a lot of messages which should be printed are omitted.

To sum up, my main concern is that when I run the strategy tester without visual mode, I want to be sure that the Expert Advisor runs for each possible tick from the history downloaded. So, the message "hello" printed is only to check that the expert advisor is actually run for each tick of the history.

I wish I explained my problem accurately to let you understand it easily. Moreover, I hope somebody will know something about these doubts I just described, please tell me.
I look forward for your replies and thanks for all the help you have provided.
During backtesting runs not all messages from function Print() show in Journal. Open log file of the strategy tester and you will see all lines with time and "hello". See also "MQL4: ? ABOUT "DAY TRADER" & "STARTER" EA!!" and
Thank you very much. I do not have more doubts about it.