Time/Bar Discrepancy - How to correctly work around it.


Since I am developing trading strategy based on GANN (value/time ratio), I have noticed major discrepancy between the TIME and BAR interpolation.

Staring 2007.12.11 00:00, the 9 Bars would represent one hour in 5M time frame.

Bars: 08, 07, 06, 05, 04, 03, 02, 01, 00 -- notice 9 bars instead of 12 bars.
Time: 00, 10, 15, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 00 -- notice 20, 25, 30 missing

This creates false graphical display imaging on some Bar referenced objects like Linear Regression Channel ("LRC") but not Gann Line ("GL").

If one inserts GL over the above 9 Bars data and 12 Bars data the property would correctly sow 1 Hour time and 0.29 scale in both cases, even when manually changed to 1.00 scale. and both can be overlay showing same graphic characteristics.

The above is not true for the LRC!

So, if the LRC is inserted as 9 Bars/hour the property would show correctly 1 hour but if relocated to 12 Bars/hour chart than it remains 9 bar long and the property shows only 40 min. time which makes it useless for any strategy planing.

Since all functions in the FX trading are based on the Value/Time (the time been absolute) the bars on the chart should correspond to time. In other words, if there is missing data the chart should insert dummy bar with 4-Price Doji candle stick as place holder for the time.

Time on the chart cannot disappear!.... or be missing. In contrast the value can!

As is, there is no possibility in MT4 environment to use calculated function based on time and than plot it on the chart if there is no place to plot missing time.

(1) are you planing to fix this grave problem?
(2) to be worked around and if so how?
(3) are you gone fix LRC (and other objects) to behave similar as GL?
If your chart is missing bars, there were no ticks received during that time period. Get a better feed.

By design, MT4 does not put a bar when there is no quote received.

Search here (or at ww.mql4.com ) for "free of holes" chart
If your chart is missing bars, there were no ticks received during that time period. Get a better feed.

By design, MT4 does not put a bar when there is no quote received.

Search here (or at ww.mql4.com ) for "free of holes" chart

Would it work with the Interbank Live account too?.... or is this a OK for demo accounts only.

Again Slawa, am frustrated with a fact that the time grid [NOT DATA] has missing bars.

I am working in M1 and am generating GANN line which cannot be drawn linearly if there is no place to draw missing dot.

Please understand. My problem is not missing data but missing grid. I do not care if there is missing candle but there must be place to draw.

Otherwise you cannot draw a linear function.

Slawa, have you ever seen numbered linear graph paper with missing vertical lines?

I hope that you can resolve this problem on MT5 or at least provide check box in the grid property menu to have linear or non linear grid.

This problem is usually non existent above the M5 time frame because the 15 min candle is seldom missing.
There is only one way to solve your request that is to create missing 1M candles.
There is only one way to solve your request that is to create missing 1M candles.

Sometimes you MQ guys have hard time to understand what is the complaint all about.
I was clear by stating that missing candle has noting to do with a graphical display.

A true graphical display MUST have grid where the time is uninterrupted and than on the top of it you can draw bars.

Time: ..... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9............... (absolute)
Bars: ...... 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0............... (continuous)
Bars: ................. 5,.........2,.....0............... (if Missing)
Bars: ..............................5, 2, 0............... (existing)

This is very simple fix and simple check box can be used in property menu to accommodate the above.

If you will not fix this than the MT4 is only marginal graphical tool with its existing idiosyncrasy, like distorting graphics while zooming in/out and where the circle is not true circle and the triangle is not true triangle....... etc. etc. etc. and where the accurate geometrical calculations are virtually impossible.

So as always, when new guys will come with better system you will no longer be in front of trading technology because you are not paying any attention to your customer base.
MQ Customer is Dealer.
Dealer Customer is Trader.
MQ Customer is Dealer.
Dealer Customer is Trader.

And the point is?
Notwithstanding that your logic is wrong, is it gone change the fact that the MT4 has no real time graphical display?
What do you think will happen when "Dealer" will have no MT4 Traders?.... Huh?

FYI, in USA the end user is a customer of a manufacturer and everything in between is called "middleman" as representation of all necessary levels of distribution for the specific industry as dictated by the contract..
You have a contract with Metaquotes? Maybe...


MetaQuotes Software Corporation makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied,with respect to this software, the hardware, or documentation, including their quality,performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.

...and so on...