NormalizeDouble compare problems

Hi All

I wonder if somebody can advise me, I know there are issues regarding comparing double numbers, and I was lead to believe that using Normalizedouble was the solution but my compare I still not working correctly.
Here is my compare code
modify = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(),4);
modify1 = NormalizeDouble (OrderTakeProfit(),4);
modify2 = NormalizeDouble(OrderTakeProfit(),4);
if ((modify+(PipsToProtect*Point)) == modify1 &&  (modify+(PipsToProtect*Point))== modify2)

Do I need to do two compares one for 4 decimal places and one for three decimal places?

Any Help is most appreciated

modify+(PipsToProtect*Point) is not normalized double. In common case you cannot compare 2 doubles for equality even if your doubles are normalized. See our function CompareDoubles in the stdlib.mq4 library sample

Welcome to Problem with comparison of 2 doubles was discussed many times
"MQL4: A Problem with Bid =="
"MQL4: int x = double y ?"
Thanks for the advice and sorry for the duplicate post

I am trying to get my head around the double problems and have tried to do a bit of recoding would this alternative code work, I have tried it but it still does not seem to work, can you see were I have gone wrong

modify = OrderOpenPrice();
modify1 = OrderTakeProfit();
modify2 = OrderTakeProfit();
if  (NormalizeDouble(((modify+(PipsToProtect*Point)) - modify1),4) == 0 &&  NormalizeDouble(((modify+(PipsToProtect*Point))- modify2),4)==0){// process order}

Many Thanks for your time