New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 210 - page 2

zap, thanks but I found it elsewhere, I appreciate the offer though :)

omelette, and anyone needing build 208/209: drop me a mail to forexzap<at>gmail<dot>com

Anyone else having the problem of MT 210 freezing when first run. Close it down and re-start and it works OK?

It has happened to me 3 times so far...
Anyone else having the problem of MT 210 freezing when first run.

Oh, noo. We refuse to use build 210 you know. :D
Anyone else having the problem of MT 210 freezing when first run.

Oh, noo. We refuse to use build 210 you know. :D

Yep, I'm with you but I have left it installed in one of my set-ups.

There is definitely a problem with 210 freezing though. Just read another thread where someone is complaining about it freezing on a quad Pentium Pro. It definitely freezes on my Pro Duo as well - freezes, close it down, restart and it runs OK. Never happened before and It's only happening with North Finance. Weird...
Yes, it appears more and more that Metatrader could be a very good piece of software but "Metaquotes" is not willing to fully deliver the power that the software could really offer....

Since the customers are brokers, it is not difficult to understand that if a step can be taken in order to make us to loose money in a realaccount, they will probably take it ( i do not see any reason to remove the use collected tick file, really please explain Metaquote "the" reason, so far you haven't explained anything) and I believe also that they are arrogant when they replied "It's not true. This is only your own opinion without facts." to wackena without even asking if he could provide such of information about his statement, every other serious software company will ask for a step by step script to reproduce the problem and check if there is a real problem or not to fix.

I have also many time explained that the Tester should offer the possibility to backtest and optimize in a date range and give the result of the run in another date range to see if a strategy optimized in past data could be profiatble in out of sample data, but, believe me, this will never be an option in metatrader.

Also, one of a simple option for them will be to provide tick chart, but, this too will never be seen in Metatrader, if i was a producer in Metatrader team, i think i will really push the software, obviously they are not willing to do it or they maybe think "small" or they want the broker to make money on loss trade from us... decide.

Beside of that MQL4 is great and is very open.....too bad.
What is the reason for removing the 'Recalculate' tab? Were the backtest results unreliable otherwise?

If this was not the case, I think this is a terrible idea. It often takes longer to recalculate the data than it takes to do the backtest - so you have only succeeded in doubling the backtest time!

Bring back the Recalculate tab!!!

I agree with your comment.

But MetaQuotes said this was not true. See my post and their response here.

"MQL4: New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 210"

I have 2 additional reasons why "Recalculate" needs to come back:

1. Previously, when changing the expert in between 2 tests, the difference between the results will reflect the expert code change.
With Build 210 it now also differs because the latest test included new tick data.
Comparing test result from only the code change cannot be done anymore.

2. When expanding a parameter value in testing, previously the Test cache was used to skip the tests from the previous run. Now with Build 210 it will skip the cache (because tick data has changed) and it will retest the complete range for this parameter.

Removing the Recalculate checkmark in Build 210 seems only to have negative side effects.
I URGE you to please reconsider your decision and make it a user selectable option again.
Removing the Recalculate checkmark in Build 210 seems only to have negative side effects.
I URGE you to please reconsider your decision and make it a user selectable option again.

I concur wholeheartedly. Metaquotes, please listen to what we are saying. We will not just "get used to it". Backtesting, especially with tickdata, is a required part of EA development.
At the risk of repeating myself, there is a major problem with MT 210 freezing.

It either freezes at start-up or after it has been running a while. This does not happen with my other three installed MT 208 setups. After happening about 10 times, I've uninstalled it and am back to an all 208 setup...

All in addition to Metaquotes trying to shaft EA development of course - and in the same breath advertising their platform through their EA Championship...

Does that strike people as just ironic or blantantly cynical?...........

Could you please send me a copy of MT4 Build 208? My e-mail ID is
With regards,
zap, thanks but I found it elsewhere, I appreciate the offer though :)

omelette, and anyone needing build 208/209: drop me a mail to forexzap<at>gmail<dot>com

Could you please send me a copy of MT4 Build 208? My e-mail ID is

With regards,