Could someone please acknowledge me why this indicator does not comply?

extern string font_name   =  "Arial";     // 
extern int    font_size1  =  10;           //
extern int    font_size2  =  9;            // 
extern int    labs_corner =  1;            //
extern int    labs_xdist  =  5;            //
extern int    labs_ydist  =  10;           // 
extern int    labs_space  =  17;           // 
extern int    labs_max    =  25;           //
extern color  clr_profit  =  DeepSkyBlue;  // 
extern color  clr_loss    =  DeepPink;     // 

void init()
for(int i = 1; i <= labs_max; i++)
  ObjectCreate("lab"+i, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
  ObjectSet("lab"+i, OBJPROP_CORNER, labs_corner);
  ObjectSet("lab"+i, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, labs_xdist);
  ObjectSet("lab"+i, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, i * labs_space + labs_ydist);
    ObjectSetText("lab"+i, "");


void deinit()
for(int i = 1; i <= labs_max; i++) ObjectDelete("lab"+i);


void indicate_orders()
  int i, nb = 0, ns = 0, lab = 1, lbn = 0;
  int buys_profit = 0, sells_profit = 0;
  double buys_volume = 0.0, sells_volume = 0.0;
  double buys_list[50][3];
  double sells_list[50][3];
  string res;

  for(i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
    if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) == false) break;
    if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;
    if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
      buys_list[nb][0] = OrderTicket();
      buys_list[nb][1] = OrderProfit();
      buys_list[nb][2] = OrderLots();
      buys_profit += buys_list[nb][1];
      buys_volume += buys_list[nb][2];
    if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
      sells_list[ns][0] = OrderTicket();
      sells_list[ns][1] = OrderProfit();
      sells_list[ns][2] = OrderLots();
      sells_profit += sells_list[ns][1];
      sells_volume += sells_list[ns][2];

  if(nb > 0)
    ArrayResize(buys_list, nb);
    if(buys_profit > 0)
      res = "BUYS | " + nb + " | " + DoubleToStr(buys_volume, 2) + " | + " + buys_profit;
      ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, res, font_size1, font_name, clr_profit);
      ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, "------------------", font_size1, font_name, clr_profit);
      res = "BUYS | " + nb + " | " + DoubleToStr(buys_volume, 2) + " | " + buys_profit;
      ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, res, font_size1, font_name, clr_loss);
      ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, "------------------", font_size1, font_name, clr_loss);
    lbn = lab;
    for(i = 0; i < nb; i++)
      lab = lbn + i;
      if(buys_list[i][1] > 0)
        res = "#" + DoubleToStr(buys_list[i][0], 0) + ": " + DoubleToStr(buys_list[i][2], 2) + ": +" + DoubleToStr(buys_list[i][1], 0);
        ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, res, font_size2, font_name, clr_profit);
        res = "#" + DoubleToStr(buys_list[i][0], 0) + ": " + DoubleToStr(buys_list[i][2], 2) + ": " + DoubleToStr(buys_list[i][1], 0);
        ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, res, font_size2, font_name, clr_loss);
  if(ns > 0)
    ArrayResize(sells_list, ns);
    if(nb > 0)
      ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, "");
    if(sells_profit > 0)
      res = "SELLS | " + ns + " | " + DoubleToStr(sells_volume, 2) + " | +" + sells_profit;
      ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, res, font_size1, font_name, clr_profit);
      ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, "------------------", font_size1, font_name, clr_profit);
      res = "SELLS | " + ns + " | " + DoubleToStr(sells_volume, 2) + " | " + sells_profit;
      ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, res, font_size1, font_name, clr_loss);
      ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, "------------------", font_size1, font_name, clr_loss);
    lbn = lab;
    for(i = 0; i < ns; i++)
      lab = lbn + i;
      if(sells_list[i][1] > 0)
        res = "#" + DoubleToStr(sells_list[i][0], 0) + ": " + DoubleToStr(sells_list[i][2], 2) + ": +" + DoubleToStr(sells_list[i][1], 0);
        ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, res, font_size2, font_name, clr_profit);
        res = "#" + DoubleToStr(sells_list[i][0], 0) + ": " + DoubleToStr(sells_list[i][2], 2) + ": " + DoubleToStr(sells_list[i][1], 0);
        ObjectSetText("lab"+lab, res, font_size2, font_name, clr_loss);
  for(i = lab+1; i <= labs_max; i++) ObjectSetText("lab"+i, "");


void start()



not sure if start function even works nowadays.

Michael Charles Schefe #:

not sure if start function even works nowadays.

I see. Thank you for the tip.
Michael Charles Schefe #:

not sure if start function even works nowadays.

I don't even see a valid Event Handler in the indicator code.

Event Handling - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

Documentation on MQL5: Event Handling
Documentation on MQL5: Event Handling
The MQL5 language provides handling of certain predefined events . The functions for handling these events should be defined in an MQL5 program...
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