How to get the high and low of Monday.


Hi , i am new to coding with mql5 and i struggle to find a way of returning the monday high and low . I don't even know where to start from to be honest.

Thank you!

answered in this thread before to get the daily highs and lows of a specific day:

Why do you want to zone in on a specific day? what's the problem with returning the daily highs and lows for X number of previous days?
Thanks for the refference. I am just trading based on Monday PA , this is why i need the specific range for it 
there's also a nice indicator recently published in the codebase

You can see the date and time under the chart of course

Hi , i am new to coding with mql5 and i struggle to find a way of returning the monday high and low . I don't even know where to start from to be honest.

Thank you!

dayofweek for Monday is 1:

TimeToStruct - Date and Time - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5

Documentation on MQL5: Date and Time / TimeToStruct
Documentation on MQL5: Date and Time / TimeToStruct
Converts a value of datetime type (number of seconds since 01.01.1970) into a structure variable MqlDateTime . Parameters dt [in]  Date value...

Hi , i am new to coding with mql5 and i struggle to find a way of returning the monday high and low . I don't even know where to start from to be honest.

Thank you!

//| Day of the week as integer (0-Sunday, 1-Monday, ... ,6-Saturday) |
int TimeDayOfWeek(const datetime t)
   MqlDateTime st;

void OnStart()
   datetime now = TimeTradeServer();
   int shift = TimeDayOfWeek(now) - MONDAY;
   if (shift < 0) shift += 7;

   datetime time  = iTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,shift);
   double   open  = iOpen(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,shift);
   double   high  = iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,shift);
   double   low   = iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,shift);
   double   close = iClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,shift);
   long     volume= iVolume(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,shift);

   Comment(Symbol(),", Monday\n",
           "Time: "  ,TimeToString(time,TIME_DATE),"\n",
           "Open: "  ,DoubleToString(open,Digits()),"\n",
           "High: "  ,DoubleToString(high,Digits()),"\n",
           "Low: "   ,DoubleToString(low,Digits()),"\n",
           "Close: " ,DoubleToString(close,Digits()),"\n",
           "Volume: ",IntegerToString(volume),"\n"
amrali #:
that logic doesn't make sense just looking at it

If today was Thursday (4) then Thursday (4) - Monday (1) would give you the highs and lows of 3...which is Wednesday
Conor Mcnamara #:
that logic doesn't make sense just looking at it

If today was Thursday (4) then Thursday (4) - Monday (1) would give you the highs and lows of 3...which is Wednesday

You need to understand how indexing in time series works

Indexing in time series is done in reverse.

If today was Thursday (4) then Thursday (4) - Monday (1) = 3

shift = 0; means Thursday D1 bar
shift = 1; means Wednesday D1 bar
shift = 2; means Tuesday D1 bar
shift = 3; means Monday D1 bar
Documentation on MQL5: Timeseries and Indicators Access / Indexing Direction in Arrays, Buffers and Timeseries
Documentation on MQL5: Timeseries and Indicators Access / Indexing Direction in Arrays, Buffers and Timeseries
The default indexing of all arrays and indicator buffers is left to right. The index of the first element is always equal to zero. Thus, the very...