Different draw down

I have connected my account 1st time. Draw down showed 31% but  I have deleted and connected again then draw down showing 63%. Please help me anybody  👏👏
These statistics need some time to be updated, be patient.
Eleni Anna Branou #:
These statistics need some time to be updated, be patient.

24  hour gone. Still did not solve

Md Delowar Hossen #:

24  hour gone. Still did not solve

Your signal was started to be monitored since yesterday morning -

..and no any trades were closed since the monitoring was started. So, nothing to monitor ...


So, next time - I am suggesting to start monitoring the signal from the very beginning.

Sergey Golubev #:

Your signal was started to be monitored since yesterday morning -

..and no any trades were closed since the monitoring was started. So, nothing to monitor ...


So, next time - I am suggesting to start monitoring the signal from the very beginning.

Sir,  my draw down will be 63%?  Won't it solve it?

Md Delowar Hossen #:

Sir,  my draw down will be 63%?  Won't it solve it?

I do not know.

But I know that your signal did not yet monitored: it was connected to Signal service yesterday morning, and no any trades were made since then.
Because you traded first, but connect your account after that (the past trades were not monitored, seems - unknown for Signal system).

So, no idea about drawdown.

Md Delowar Hossen #:

Sir,  my draw down will be 63%?  Won't it solve it?

Your drawdown is correct, when your balance gone from $1044 to $387, that's a 63% drawdown.