Refund about my purchase

ON=n my profile ,ihave chatted with the seller and he has agreed for me to cancel my purchase but the cancellation button is not showing on my purchased items so there anyone who can help?

You can cancel your purchase within 7 days of the original purchase date, if you haven't activated and installed it.

In any other case the refund will be personal by the seller/developer.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

You can cancel your purchase within 7 days of the original purchase date, if you haven't activated and installed it.

In any other case the refund will be personal by the seller/developer.

I have installed but explained to the sellor who has agreed to refund me but my cancel button has been disabled since i installed .I have tried to contact support but their request section is not working either

charles mwewa #:

I have installed but explained to the sellor who has agreed to refund me but my cancel button has been disabled since i installed .I have tried to contact support but their request section is not working either

Then only a personal refund from the seller is possible.