Bug - MetaEditor debug watch list not updating values of variables anymore


Anyone having issues with the latest release ? It becomes impossible to debug because some of the variables displayed in the watch list are not updated with the values they actually contain.

This was observed mainly with the int and bool types. I have to resort to using print() to debug my code, very annoying...

I'm using version 5 build 4435.

Am I really the only one who observes this problem?

I installed a previous version, build 4424 and the problem is gone.

Then the automatic updates installed build 4435 and the problem is back again.

There is definitely a bug in the latest version!

Is there anyone from Metaquotes that read this forum?

Please fix it, it is really hard to debug when you cannot use the variable watch window.


My post got hijacked, but still nobody seems to have any trouble debugging with the latest version, which is strange.

Is anyone still developping stuff in metatrader? I mean the bug is obvious. I saw a post from 2021 with a similar problem with no answers unfortunately.


Anyone having issues with the latest release ? It becomes impossible to debug because some of the variables displayed in the watch list are not updated with the values they actually contain.

This was observed mainly with the int and bool types. I have to resort to using print() to debug my code, very annoying...

I'm using version 5 build 4435.

You know that build 4435 is beta right ?

Last release is 4410.

Anyway, I can't reproduce your issue.


Thanks for looking. The auto updates installed the 4435. I managed to install the 4424 and disabled auto updates and it's working fine with that version.

To give more info, I am debugging a Service and the watch doesn't update variables that receive a value returned from a function. For example:

bool deserialized = jsonSer.Deserialize(jsonString); // watch displays deserialized = false

PrintFormat("Was deserialized %d", deserialized); // prints true

int total = jsonSer["result"][0].Size();  // watch displays total = 0
::PrintFormat("Total items: %d", total); // prints 237

But it does update when a variable is directly assigned like this:

int total = 400; // works fine

Where can I send this bug report to the developers?

ptr200 #:

Thanks for looking. The auto updates installed the 4435. I managed to install the 4424 and disabled auto updates and it's working fine with that version.

To give more info, I am debugging a Service and the watch doesn't update variables that receive a value returned from a function. For example:

But it does update when a variable is directly assigned like this:

int total = 400; // works fine

Where can I send this bug report to the developers?

Usually we don't Report beta-build bugs.

You need to delete the MQ Demo Account to stop receiving beta updates.
Ok thanks for the info. Let's hope the bug doesn't find its way into the latest non-beta release.
ptr200 #:

Thanks for looking. The auto updates installed the 4435. I managed to install the 4424 and disabled auto updates and it's working fine with that version.

To give more info, I am debugging a Service and the watch doesn't update variables that receive a value returned from a function. For example:

But it does update when a variable is directly assigned like this:

int total = 400; // works fine

If you want to report an issue, please post code that we can compile to reproduce the issue.

Badly reported bug, even if it's real, are ignored. (Not by me, but my MetaQuotes).

Where can I send this bug report to the developers?


Hi, I have same issue with 4435. A lot of variables don't update values in Watch List.

I had to roll back to version 4424 as well.