MT5 Python Integration

Hello, guys! We are developing an application for trading analytics. One of the key functionality for our users. It is possible to log in to MT5, MT4 and get the history of user orders and trading. Reading this forum and documentation. I came across the fact that mt5 allows you to connect only 1 account to the mt5 terminal. Tell me, is this so? For development we use Python/Django.
List of questions that interest us.
Our system must support many users. Is it possible to implement functionality where each user can connect their MT4 and MT5 accounts and receive user data at the same time?
Is it possible to obtain a user's trade history using the MT5 package? If yes, then it would be great to attach the necessary links in response to this request.
How many connections can be made to mt5 from one machine?


I am working on a similar system with multiple users and got the tech ready. If you are interested contact me with DM, I can help. 
