MQL5 Balance

I added funds to the mql5 balance in order to purchase a VPS then when I had tried to buy the vps using the mql5 payment method it was disabled and my balance did not show until I actually paid for it again a second time except using my card as a payment method also I find it quite absurd that im unable to withdraw money from mql5 unless it is money earned I would like to speak with a human instead of a bot that says he can help but doesn't understand anything
  1. Only the Service Desk can help you with your MQ payments!
  2. MQ is neither a bank nor a broker, so the restrictions are necessary to ensure this for any regulator.
  3. In addition, this is a protection against money laundering.
  4. Read the Terms and Condition.
  5. Go to
    to see what is available...

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