Sell a signal

Is it possible to use a US Cent account to sell a signal? For example US Cent account.
Huu Hung Tu Pham:
Is it possible to use a US Cent account to sell a signal? For example US Cent account.

US Cent accounts are not allowed for Signal.

Where is the link to share your signal on Telegram/Facebook etc. ? It is no longer there at the top. 
Raakesh Dheer #:
Where is the link to share your signal on Telegram/Facebook etc. ? It is no longer there at the top. 

Yes indeed there isn't, I will report it to the admins, thank you.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Yes indeed there isn't, I will report it to the admins, thank you.


When will we get to share our signal through Telegram/Facebook. The link has been removed. Will we get it back?
Raakesh Dheer #:
When will we get to share our signal through Telegram/Facebook. The link has been removed. Will we get it back?

Until we get this option back, you can always share your signal the traditional way, copy/paste your signal's link in the social media platform of your choice.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Until we get this option back, you can always share your signal the traditional way, copy/paste your signal's link in the social media platform of your choice.
