Display backtesting trades directly on chart

Hello, I have 2 installations of MT5, on 1 when I perform backtest with visual mode I can also see the trades made during the backtest on my main chart directly in MT5 main window, so I can further play with indicators and all the values and still see the trades. In my another MT5 installation this behavior is not there and I cannot find any option to enable it, could someone please point me in the right direction ? Thanks.
No one really knows ?
Lukas Hanusek:
Hello, I have 2 installations of MT5, on 1 when I perform backtest with visual mode I can also see the trades made during the backtest on my main chart directly in MT5 main window, so I can further play with indicators and all the values and still see the trades. In my another MT5 installation this behavior is not there and I cannot find any option to enable it, could someone please point me in the right direction ? Thanks.

Couple of screens would help to understand better the issue.


backtest results

On this image I can see backtesting results of my EA even without visual mode displayed on the main chart. Each trade is visualized here as well as all the indicators with the same settings as my EA uses. However it happens only on this one MT5 installation, on other installations I cannot repeat this behavior.


Check this setting.

I have this option checked on both installations.


What I’ve noticed is that  this chart opens only when test is performed from start to end (not stopped manually in the middle) and when they are any trades opened during the test.

Otherwise the chart is not shown. Maybe that is the problem with your platform/tests.

Best Regards

Marzena Maria Szmit #:


What I’ve noticed is that  this chart opens only when test is performed from start to end (not stopped manually in the middle) and when they are any trades opened during the test.

Otherwise the chart is not shown. Maybe that is the problem with your platform/tests.

Best Regards

Well, all of this is true in my case but still, it works only on my first MT5 installation and I am not able to replicate this behavior on any other installations.

Are results the same?
Yes, on the working installation the chart is even scrolled to the start of the test, when the test finishes. I cannot replicate this behavior on any other installation.
Finally found a solution, I closed all opened charts so I have non open then it started working. Thanks.