Gallery of UIs written in MQL - page 2


Note that I have tried to integrate various controls into the table. And quite successfully...

And, as far as I can see from the window, the table could already be minimised.


In this window I demonstrate the opening of context windows. At that time this functionality was still raw. Then I refined it to perfection.


There's already an obvious application for a visual editor here. But this is just a prototype. The editor appeared much later.

ss. All windows are written in MQL. Although they have a different style than the previous ones.


I decided to experiment with sliders. I thought the more exotic they looked, the cooler.))))))


why is this here?

crying about the fact that there was no sales manager ? and the output was not needed by is interconnected - in the hands of the author it is visually beautiful, but it is impossible to use other things, that's why nobody and no way


Here's another attempt at integrating controls into a table. It's a weak attempt. Later integrations have been much better. But, we'll get to that.

By the way, pay attention to the still raw tree list on the left.


And here is a real attempt to create a visual editor. Of course, it was still a long way off, but it was something....


Here's another attempt.


That's more serious. But it's still a long way from the finals.


Here I am trying to imitate the work of the view editor.

Note the changed taskbar.