Unable to download paid indicator


I paid for an indicator via market and added it to an MT5 account, all was good.

I then changed to another MT5 account, having deleted the first one.

On the new account, I have gone into MLQ5.. my name.. Settings...Purchased.. and found the paid indicator. I click on it to bring up the page as per the screenshot

but when I click on "Install on the terminal"..... nothing happens.

For a test, I have also tried to download a random freebie off the Market, and get the same issue when I press "Download"...... nothing!!

Any help appreciated. Thanks

Capture.PNG  337 kb
You don't install a purchase from the website's side, you need to go to your MT5 terminal, login into your MQL5 account in MT5 >> Tools >> Options >> Community tab and then go to the Navigator window >> Market >> My Purchases to install it.
Eleni Anna Branou #:
You don't install a purchase from the website's side, you need to go to your MT5 terminal, login into your MQL5 account in MT5 >> Tools >> Options >> Community tab and then go to the Navigator window >> Market >> My Purchases to install it.

Thank you so much Eleni, you have saved the day....... I have been most of the day trying to resolve this... many thanks again.