Average down vs buying coin crypto

What is the difference Average down forex strategy vs buying coin crypto?
Catur Sulistiyanto A Md Tem:
What is the difference Average down forex strategy vs buying coin crypto?
Unlike the Average down strategy (trading approach, short holding time), buying crypto coins is typically an investment strategy (long holding time).
Oleksandr Medviediev #:
Unlike the Average down strategy (trading approach, short holding time), buying crypto coins is typically an investment strategy (long holding time).

Is it possible to choose a pair with a positive swap so that it lasts a long time?

Catur Sulistiyanto A Md Tem #:
Is it possible to choose a pair with a positive swap so that it lasts a long time?
  Yes, do your own research. 
Oleksandr Medviediev #:
Ya, lakukan penelitian Anda sendiri.

Okey thanks...

Does not average down mean to cost average? Buying at many different price points to achieve an average position cost?
DHess10000 #:
Bukankah rata-rata turun berarti rata-rata biaya? Membeli pada banyak titik harga berbeda untuk mencapai biaya posisi rata-rata?

It's true that if it is carried out with discipline it will really help a lot