standard libraries ,ExpertSignal.mqh,multiplt indicators for deal signals open and close

I want to use Multiple indicators each responsible for either CheckClose or CheckOpen() of standard library of ExpertSignal.mqh
in the source of ExpertSignal.mqh there is parameter called m_direction in the Direction() function which works with a mask and another called m_ignore now that I want to indicate which indicator should be checked on CheckCloseShort(), CheckOpenLong(),etc I want a work around except overloading all the function to get the directions on each tick the Direction() method already does that , I was trying to see m_ignore and mask would work but it seems like a quicker  version of writing CheckCloseLong() ,etc with another mask to be added to them.
but I still think there must be a better way for  using different indicators signal to determine close and opening of deals
thank you for your existence far away
i want to use one indicator's signal  for opening and another for closing the trade but in the library both weights are added together to check open and close but I don't want both to be applied for open,just one specificly for close and another for open
also if more than two indicators are used how to distinguish wich siganl the checkopen and checkclose get to progress