How do you turn off the automatic populating of variables in the Debug tab of the Metaeditor Toolbox?


This was introduced in a recent update, didn't used to work like this.

When I'm debugging, I'm focused on the problem at hand. Filling the screen with variables that are irrelevant to the problem just amounts to noise. I delete all the ones I don't want, but the very next F10 puts them all right back.

I get the intent of the new feature. It saves time to pre-populate the tab with variables declared in the function you're working on. But it wastes time when most of them have nothing to do with the problem you're trying to solves and just distract you and slow you down as you hunt through the list to find the ones you need.

If there's a setting that can turn this feature off, where is it, please? If there is no setting, there needs to be one. The way it works right now just slowed my debugging down by 50%.

Help, anyone?

Millard Melnyk:

This was introduced in a recent update, didn't used to work like this.

When I'm debugging, I'm focused on the problem at hand. Filling the screen with variables that are irrelevant to the problem just amounts to noise. I delete all the ones I don't want, but the very next F10 puts them all right back.

I get the intent of the new feature. It saves time to pre-populate the tab with variables declared in the function you're working on. But it wastes time when most of them have nothing to do with the problem you're trying to solves and just distract you and slow you down as you hunt through the list to find the ones you need.

If there's a setting that can turn this feature off, where is it, please? If there is no setting, there needs to be one. The way it works right now just slowed my debugging down by 50%.

Help, anyone?


I just stumbled on what was happening, and it's not a new feature. There's a "Show Locals" option if you right-click in the right-hand panel (variables and values) of the Toolbox/Debug tab. Click it off and it stops automatically filling up the panel with local variables. I'll delete this post tomorrow so that it doesn't waste anyone else's time.

Millard Melnyk #:


I just stumbled on what was happening, and it's not a new feature. There's a "Show Locals" option if you right-click in the right-hand panel (variables and values) of the Toolbox/Debug tab. Click it off and it stops automatically filling up the panel with local variables. I'll delete this post tomorrow so that it doesn't waste anyone else's time.

Nothing new, it exists for some years now.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut "L".

Alain Verleyen #:

Nothing new, it exists for some years now.

You can also use the keyboard shortcut "L".

Thank you! Never used it before, so I didn't even know it was there.