Please, Metaquotes, store our forward test results too!


This is a thread for Metaquotes. It's quite weird that the forward test results are not saved anywhere or at least is not displayed to the user under some probably unknown circumstances. If for some reason I need to go back to old tests to get the forward results, I need to run the optimization all over again - but it could be stored in my PC just like the backtests are saved.

We can see that there're people talking about this simple feature since at least 2022 and yet this has to be implemented.

There're many other features to be implemented to improve the overall quality of life of this program (which is already amazing!), but let's start with the simplest ones.

ps: forward test results sometimes show up, sometimes do not. Couldn't find a pattern yet, but it looks like that when a new optimization with forward test is ran, the old one won't show up anymore.

ps2: I know there's a library out there to read .opt files, but this should be a built-in metatrader feature.

MT5 "Forward testing tab" disappear after i do another optimization
MT5 "Forward testing tab" disappear after i do another optimization
  • 2022.05.08
  • seanlee89
hi Situation : - I done a 10k combination optimization with forward test , i see there is "Foward Results" Tab at bottom of strategy tester However...
If for some reason I need to go back to old tests to get the forward results, I need to run the optimization all over again

You would want to run it again anyways, on new data.

Oleksandr Medviediev #:

You would want to run it again anyways, on new data.

Actually, not when you run a slow optimization. I finished my results, analysed the optimization. Ok, moved forward to the next ones. But then I had some ideas I wanted to test on the old one - it wasn't there anymore.
