Input tab missing in Indicator Properties window

For one custom Indicator, I lost the Input tab in Properties window!!! There are several "extern" defined and sometime back it was working correctly. Now this tab does not appear and it is very difficult to change settings for different charts. For all other indicators I can see the Input tab. It is so strange. I am wondering if anyone has some suggestion to fix this problem. I have tried saving as a different file and compiling and still it did not work.
Inputs tab can be missing if no extern are declared in the source mq4

Make sure that your externs are declared on the global scope
Hi Slawa,
There are several "extern" defined in the code and still I do not see the Input tab. Thats why it is so strange. I have been working on mq4 for more than four months and I have never seen this problem. Can you think of any thing else? Thanks.
Are your externs on the global scope? Outside of all functions?
Hi Slawa,
All the externs are before the init function (outside to all functions and in the first few lines). Now I have tracked it to the following line in the code:
#include <stdlib.mq4>

I am surprised how this showed the input tab before with the same line of code. For now I have fixed the problem by copying the needed function from stdlib.mq4 and adding it to the indicator code and removing the include line! Now it is working properly. But still I am puzzled.

#include "stdlib.mq4"
#include <stdlib.mq4>
#include stdlib.mq4
Sorry Slawa,

It was my typing error. The line was correct in the code. I just changed it in my early post also.
I cannot reproduce your error.
You can send me your sources to stringo AT metaquotes DOT ru for research. I promise to remove your sources after problem will be found.
Hi Slawa,
Just now I sent you the files (the stripped version of the Indicator and two include files). Verified that the problem still exists. Please check and let me know if you find anything.
Please remove from the stdlib.mq4 file one line
#property library
Hi Slawa,
Thank you for your nice work on identifying the problem. Now it works properly.