start() method


Does anybody know why the start method is not called for each bar? I set it to be called on daily bars for example but seems to rise each tick in that day not once per day as i think it should.

For example for this code backtested form 2007.04.01 to 2007.04.05:

int start()

   Print("show me a message/day",iOpen("GBPUSD",PERIOD_D1,0),iClose("GBPUSD",PERIOD_D1,0));


I get a lot of messages in journal starting from 04.02 00:00 to 04.04 23:59. How can i make the start method to rise once/bar. This one should print me 5 messages for each day bar not juping from 40 to 40 minutes from 04.02 to 04.05 :(.

P.S Also for big periods journal messages tend to mess, some from the start of the testing period and a lot from the end are printed but not one/bar. Thank you for any help you can give me.

You can try to look at "MQL4: Features of Experts Advisors"