How to set a fixed lot size when subscribing to a signal?

How to set a fixed lot size when subscribing to a signal?
How to set a fixed lot size when subscribing to a signal?

There is no such option, the signal's trades lot size is calculated automatically, based on your account's balance, levarage and currency.

You can increase it by increasing the percentage of your deposit that will be used for signal copying (up to the maximum 95%) or decrease it, by decreasing the same parameter.

It is not possible to set fixed lot size for subscribers.
Because lot size for subscribers depends on balance and the leverage of trading accounts subscribers and signal providers.


read this thread for more details:

How to change the volume/lot size - 
signal provider has minimal volume 0.01, subscriber has 0.10 - how to change minimal volume ????
signal provider has minimal volume 0.01, subscriber has 0.10 - how to change minimal volume ????
  • 2013.04.18
  • jean olivier
In my journal, when i'm using VIACHI signal , i get this : 2013.04...