What is any value?
Please show whole source code indicating described problem
What is any value?
Please show whole source code indicating described problem
Sorry, I write a code to test these function, them return right value.
But when I give them a value which return from ChartGetInteger(), MathFloor() and MathCeil() return wrong value.
It's too strange.
void TestMath()
long w, wmf, wmc, wmr;
Print("Now direct assign value");
w = 717;
wmf = MathFloor(w/2); //MathFloor return right
wmc = MathCeil (w/2); //MathCeil return right
wmr = MathRound(w/2); //MathRound return right
Print("w="+w+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
Print("Now get value from ChartGetInteger()");
w = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
wmf = MathFloor(w/2); //MathFloor return 0?
wmc = MathCeil (w/2); //MathCeil return 1?
wmr = MathRound(w/2); //MathRound return right
Print("w="+w+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
It will print:
Now direct assign value
w=717, wmf=358, wmc=358, wmr=358
Now get value from ChartGetInteger()
w=717, wmf=0, wmc=1, wmr=358
ChartGetInteger() return a right value,
and MathRound() return a right value too,
but MathFloor() and MathCeil() return wrong value.
And if write
Print("w="+w+", w/2="+w/2+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);It will print:
Now direct assign value
w=717, w/2=358, wmf=358, wmc=358, wmr=358
Now get value from ChartGetInteger()
w=717, w/2=358, wmf=0, wmc=1, wmr=358
I find this problem when write a very simple sample of clock.
I just replace MathFloor() and MathCeil() with MathRound(), and I get right result.
So I think it is MathFloor() and MathCeil() problems.
But now it seems not.
- votes: 11
- 2010.02.05
- Loong | English Russian Spanish Portuguese
- www.mql5.com
Oh, I see.
This problems occur when passing a long integer as parameters of MathFloor() or MathCeil().
void TestMath()
long w, wmf, wmc, wmr;
long w1;
double w2;
Print("Now direct assign value");
w = 717;
wmf = MathFloor(w/2); //MathFloor return right
wmc = MathCeil (w/2); //MathCeil return right
wmr = MathRound(w/2); //MathRound return right
Print("w="+w+", w/2="+w/2+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
Print("Now get value from ChartGetInteger()");
w = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
wmf = MathFloor(w/2); //MathFloor return 0?
wmc = MathCeil (w/2); //MathCeil return 1?
wmr = MathRound(w/2); //MathRound return right
Print("w="+w+", w/2="+w/2+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
Print("Now get value pass through a double variable");
//w = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
w2 = w/2;
wmf = MathFloor(w2); //MathFloor return 0?
wmc = MathCeil (w2); //MathCeil return 1?
wmr = MathRound(w2); //MathRound return right
Print("w="+w+", w2="+w2+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
Print("Now get value pass through a long variable");
//w = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
w1 = w/2;
wmf = MathFloor(w1); //MathFloor return 0?
wmc = MathCeil (w1); //MathCeil return 1?
wmr = MathRound(w1); //MathRound return right
Print("w="+w+", w1="+w1+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
It will print:
Now direct assign value
w=717, w/2=358, wmf=358, wmc=358, wmr=358
Now get value from ChartGetInteger()
w=717, w/2=358, wmf=0, wmc=1, wmr=358
Now get value pass through a double variable
w=717, w2=358.00000000, wmf=358, wmc=358, wmr=358
Now get value pass through a long variable
w=717, w1=358, wmf=0, wmc=1, wmr=358
But ChartGetInteger() must did something in this problem.
Because it will not occur any error, if you pass into MathFloor() a long variable which is not get from ChartGetInteger().
void TestMath2()It will print:
long w, w1;
long wmf, wmc, wmr;
wmf = MathFloor(w1); //MathFloor return 0?
wmc = MathCeil (w1); //MathCeil return 1?
wmr = MathRound(w1); //MathRound return right
Print("w="+w+", w1="+w1+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
w=501, w1=250, wmf=250, wmc=250, wmr=250
But ChartGetInteger() must did something in this problem.
Because it will not occur any error, if you pass into MathFloor() a long variable which is not get from ChartGetInteger().
w=501, w1=250, wmf=250, wmc=250, wmr=250
study my example:
void OnStart() { //--- long a=7; double b=7; long long_wmf, long_wmc, long_wmr; double double_wmf, double_wmc, double_wmr; double_wmf = MathFloor((double)a/2); double_wmc = MathCeil ((double)a/2); double_wmr = MathRound((double)a/2); long_wmf = (long)MathFloor((double)a/2); long_wmc = (long)MathCeil ((double)a/2); long_wmr = (long)MathRound((double)a/2); Print(double_wmf, double_wmc, double_wmr); Print(long_wmf, long_wmc, long_wmr); double_wmf = MathFloor(b/2); double_wmc = MathCeil (b/2); double_wmr = MathRound(b/2); long_wmf = (long)MathFloor(b/2); long_wmc = (long)MathCeil (b/2); long_wmr = (long)MathRound(b/2); Print(double_wmf, double_wmc, double_wmr); Print(long_wmf, long_wmc, long_wmr); }
study my example:
Yeah, you are right. I should do typecasting.
But why the error only be occured when using return vlaue of ChartGetInteger()?
Please test this code:
void TestMath4()
long lImmediate, lChartGetI;
long l_l_2;
double d_l_2;
double dmf, dmc, dmr;
long lmf, lmc, lmr;
lImmediate = 717;
lChartGetI = (long)ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
Print("lImmediate="+lImmediate+", lChartGetI="+lChartGetI+", lChartGetI-lImmediate="+((double)lChartGetI-(double)lImmediate));
d_l_2 = (double)lImmediate/2;
l_l_2 = (long)((double)lImmediate/2);
Print(" d_l_2 or l_l_2 dmf dmc dmr lmf lmc lmr");
dmf = MathFloor(d_l_2);
dmc = MathCeil (d_l_2);
dmr = MathRound(d_l_2);
lmf = (long)MathFloor(d_l_2);
lmc = (long)MathCeil (d_l_2);
lmr = (long)MathRound(d_l_2);
Print("lImmediate >> d_l_2="+d_l_2+", "+dmf+", "+dmc+", "+dmr+", "+lmf+", "+lmc+", "+lmr);
dmf = MathFloor(l_l_2);
dmc = MathCeil (l_l_2);
dmr = MathRound(l_l_2);
lmf = (long)MathFloor(l_l_2);
lmc = (long)MathCeil (l_l_2);
lmr = (long)MathRound(l_l_2);
Print("lImmediate >> l_l_2="+l_l_2+" , "+dmf+", "+dmc+", "+dmr+", "+lmf+", "+lmc+", "+lmr);
d_l_2 = (double)lChartGetI/2;
l_l_2 = (long)((double)lChartGetI/2);
dmf = MathFloor(d_l_2);
dmc = MathCeil (d_l_2);
dmr = MathRound(d_l_2);
lmf = (long)MathFloor(d_l_2);
lmc = (long)MathCeil (d_l_2);
lmr = (long)MathRound(d_l_2);
Print("lChartGetI >> d_l_2="+d_l_2+", "+dmf+", "+dmc+", "+dmr+", "+lmf+", "+lmc+", "+lmr);
dmf = MathFloor(l_l_2);
dmc = MathCeil (l_l_2);
dmr = MathRound(l_l_2);
lmf = (long)MathFloor(l_l_2);
lmc = (long)MathCeil (l_l_2);
lmr = (long)MathRound(l_l_2);
Print("lChartGetI >> l_l_2="+l_l_2+" , "+dmf+", "+dmc+", "+dmr+", "+lmf+", "+lmc+", "+lmr);
dmf = MathFloor((double)l_l_2);
dmc = MathCeil ((double)l_l_2);
dmr = MathRound((double)l_l_2);
lmf = (long)MathFloor((double)l_l_2);
lmc = (long)MathCeil ((double)l_l_2);
lmr = (long)MathRound((double)l_l_2);
Print("lChartGetI >>(double)l_l_2="+(double)l_l_2+", "+dmf+", "+dmc+", "+dmr+", "+lmf+", "+lmc+", "+lmr);
It will print:
lChartGetI >>(double)l_l_2=358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358, 358, 358
lChartGetI >> l_l_2=358 , 0.00000000, 1.00000000, 358.00000000, 0, 1, 358
lChartGetI >> d_l_2=358.50000000, 358.00000000, 359.00000000, 358.00000000, 358, 359, 358
lImmediate >> l_l_2=358 , 358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358, 358, 358
lImmediate >> d_l_2=358.50000000, 358.00000000, 359.00000000, 358.00000000, 358, 359, 358
d_l_2 or l_l_2 dmf dmc dmr lmf lmc lmr
lImmediate=717, lChartGetI=717, lChartGetI-lImmediate=0.00000000
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MathFloor(any value) return 0.
MathCeil (any value) return 1.
MathRound() is right.