MathFloor(), MathCeil() return wrong value


MathFloor(any value) return 0.

MathCeil (any value)  return 1.

MathRound() is right. 


What is any value?

Please show whole source code indicating described problem


What is any value?

Please show whole source code indicating described problem

Sorry, I write a code to test these function, them return right value.
But when I give them a value which return from ChartGetInteger(), MathFloor() and MathCeil() return wrong value.
It's too strange.

void TestMath()
   long w, wmf, wmc, wmr;

   Print("Now direct assign value");
   w  = 717;
   wmf = MathFloor(w/2); //MathFloor return right
   wmc = MathCeil (w/2); //MathCeil  return right
   wmr = MathRound(w/2); //MathRound return right
   Print("w="+w+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);

   Print("Now get value from ChartGetInteger()");
   w  = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
   wmf = MathFloor(w/2); //MathFloor return 0?
   wmc = MathCeil (w/2); //MathCeil  return 1?
   wmr = MathRound(w/2); //MathRound return right
   Print("w="+w+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
testmath1.mq5  3 kb

It will print:

Now direct assign value
w=717, wmf=358, wmc=358, wmr=358
Now get value from ChartGetInteger()
w=717, wmf=0, wmc=1, wmr=358

ChartGetInteger() return a right value,
and MathRound() return a right value too,
but MathFloor() and MathCeil() return wrong value.



And if write

   Print("w="+w+", w/2="+w/2+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
It will print:
Now direct assign value
w=717, w/2=358, wmf=358, wmc=358, wmr=358
Now get value from ChartGetInteger()
w=717, w/2=358, wmf=0, wmc=1, wmr=358


I find this problem when write a very simple sample of clock.
I just replace MathFloor() and MathCeil() with MathRound(), and I get right result.
So I think it is MathFloor() and MathCeil() problems.
But now it seems not.

  • votes: 11
  • 2010.02.05
  • Loong | English Russian Spanish Portuguese
A very simple sample of clock

Oh, I see.

This problems occur when passing a long integer as parameters of MathFloor() or MathCeil(). 


void TestMath()
   long w, wmf, wmc, wmr;
   long w1;
   double w2;
   Print("Now direct assign value");
   w  = 717;
   wmf = MathFloor(w/2); //MathFloor return right
   wmc = MathCeil (w/2); //MathCeil  return right
   wmr = MathRound(w/2); //MathRound return right
   Print("w="+w+", w/2="+w/2+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);

   Print("Now get value from ChartGetInteger()");
   w  = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
   wmf = MathFloor(w/2); //MathFloor return 0?
   wmc = MathCeil (w/2); //MathCeil  return 1?
   wmr = MathRound(w/2); //MathRound return right
   Print("w="+w+", w/2="+w/2+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);

   Print("Now get value pass through a double variable");
   //w  = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
   w2 = w/2;
   wmf = MathFloor(w2); //MathFloor return 0?
   wmc = MathCeil (w2); //MathCeil  return 1?
   wmr = MathRound(w2); //MathRound return right
   Print("w="+w+", w2="+w2+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);

   Print("Now get value pass through a long variable");
   //w  = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
   w1 = w/2;
   wmf = MathFloor(w1); //MathFloor return 0?
   wmc = MathCeil (w1); //MathCeil  return 1?
   wmr = MathRound(w1); //MathRound return right
   Print("w="+w+", w1="+w1+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);

 It will print:

Now direct assign value
w=717, w/2=358, wmf=358, wmc=358, wmr=358
Now get value from ChartGetInteger()
w=717, w/2=358, wmf=0, wmc=1, wmr=358
Now get value pass through a double variable
w=717, w2=358.00000000, wmf=358, wmc=358, wmr=358
Now get value pass through a long variable
w=717, w1=358, wmf=0, wmc=1, wmr=358


But ChartGetInteger() must did something in this problem.
Because it will not occur any error, if you pass into MathFloor() a long variable which is not get from ChartGetInteger().

void TestMath2()
   long w, w1;
   long wmf, wmc, wmr;
   wmf = MathFloor(w1); //MathFloor return 0?
   wmc = MathCeil (w1); //MathCeil  return 1?
   wmr = MathRound(w1); //MathRound return right
   Print("w="+w+", w1="+w1+", wmf="+wmf+", wmc="+wmc+", wmr="+wmr);
It will print:
w=501, w1=250, wmf=250, wmc=250, wmr=250

But ChartGetInteger() must did something in this problem.
Because it will not occur any error, if you pass into MathFloor() a long variable which is not get from ChartGetInteger().

It will print:
w=501, w1=250, wmf=250, wmc=250, wmr=250


study my example:

void OnStart()
   long a=7;
   double b=7;
   long long_wmf, long_wmc, long_wmr;
   double double_wmf, double_wmc, double_wmr;
   double_wmf = MathFloor((double)a/2); 
   double_wmc = MathCeil ((double)a/2);
   double_wmr = MathRound((double)a/2);
   long_wmf = (long)MathFloor((double)a/2); 
   long_wmc = (long)MathCeil ((double)a/2);
   long_wmr = (long)MathRound((double)a/2);
   Print(double_wmf, double_wmc, double_wmr);
   Print(long_wmf, long_wmc, long_wmr);
   double_wmf = MathFloor(b/2); 
   double_wmc = MathCeil (b/2);
   double_wmr = MathRound(b/2);
   long_wmf = (long)MathFloor(b/2); 
   long_wmc = (long)MathCeil (b/2);
   long_wmr = (long)MathRound(b/2);
   Print(double_wmf, double_wmc, double_wmr);
   Print(long_wmf, long_wmc, long_wmr);



study my example:

Yeah, you are right. I should do typecasting.

But why the error only be occured when using return vlaue of ChartGetInteger()?

Please test this code: 

void TestMath4()
   long   lImmediate, lChartGetI;
   long   l_l_2;
   double d_l_2;
   double dmf, dmc, dmr;
   long   lmf, lmc, lmr;

   lImmediate = 717;
   lChartGetI = (long)ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS,0); // It get the value right!
   Print("lImmediate="+lImmediate+", lChartGetI="+lChartGetI+", lChartGetI-lImmediate="+((double)lChartGetI-(double)lImmediate));
   d_l_2 = (double)lImmediate/2;
   l_l_2 = (long)((double)lImmediate/2);
   Print("                       d_l_2 or l_l_2    dmf           dmc           dmr           lmf  lmc  lmr");
   dmf = MathFloor(d_l_2);
   dmc = MathCeil (d_l_2);
   dmr = MathRound(d_l_2);
   lmf = (long)MathFloor(d_l_2);
   lmc = (long)MathCeil (d_l_2);
   lmr = (long)MathRound(d_l_2);
   Print("lImmediate >>        d_l_2="+d_l_2+", "+dmf+", "+dmc+", "+dmr+", "+lmf+", "+lmc+", "+lmr);
   dmf = MathFloor(l_l_2);
   dmc = MathCeil (l_l_2);
   dmr = MathRound(l_l_2);
   lmf = (long)MathFloor(l_l_2);
   lmc = (long)MathCeil (l_l_2);
   lmr = (long)MathRound(l_l_2);
   Print("lImmediate >>        l_l_2="+l_l_2+"         , "+dmf+", "+dmc+", "+dmr+", "+lmf+", "+lmc+", "+lmr);

   d_l_2 = (double)lChartGetI/2;
   l_l_2 = (long)((double)lChartGetI/2);
   dmf = MathFloor(d_l_2);
   dmc = MathCeil (d_l_2);
   dmr = MathRound(d_l_2);
   lmf = (long)MathFloor(d_l_2);
   lmc = (long)MathCeil (d_l_2);
   lmr = (long)MathRound(d_l_2);
   Print("lChartGetI >>        d_l_2="+d_l_2+", "+dmf+", "+dmc+", "+dmr+", "+lmf+", "+lmc+", "+lmr);
   dmf = MathFloor(l_l_2);
   dmc = MathCeil (l_l_2);
   dmr = MathRound(l_l_2);
   lmf = (long)MathFloor(l_l_2);
   lmc = (long)MathCeil (l_l_2);
   lmr = (long)MathRound(l_l_2);
   Print("lChartGetI >>        l_l_2="+l_l_2+"         ,   "+dmf+",   "+dmc+", "+dmr+",   "+lmf+",   "+lmc+", "+lmr);

   dmf = MathFloor((double)l_l_2);
   dmc = MathCeil ((double)l_l_2);
   dmr = MathRound((double)l_l_2);
   lmf = (long)MathFloor((double)l_l_2);
   lmc = (long)MathCeil ((double)l_l_2);
   lmr = (long)MathRound((double)l_l_2);
   Print("lChartGetI >>(double)l_l_2="+(double)l_l_2+", "+dmf+", "+dmc+", "+dmr+", "+lmf+", "+lmc+", "+lmr);

It will print:

lChartGetI >>(double)l_l_2=358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358, 358, 358
lChartGetI >>        l_l_2=358         ,   0.00000000,   1.00000000, 358.00000000,   0,   1, 358
lChartGetI >>        d_l_2=358.50000000, 358.00000000, 359.00000000, 358.00000000, 358, 359, 358
lImmediate >>        l_l_2=358         , 358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358.00000000, 358, 358, 358
lImmediate >>        d_l_2=358.50000000, 358.00000000, 359.00000000, 358.00000000, 358, 359, 358
                       d_l_2 or l_l_2    dmf           dmc           dmr           lmf  lmc  lmr
lImmediate=717, lChartGetI=717, lChartGetI-lImmediate=0.00000000



And why MathRound() can accept a int parameter then return right vlaue?