exist a free indicator for show me How much leverage am I exposed to?


Hi  guys  like  a title  exist a free indicator for  show me How much leverage am I exposed to? 

immagine  i open a trade  and i want know every time I open a trade and they increase I want to know how much the leverage is

now  i use  by hend  this calculate 

The exposure leverage calculation can be performed using the following formula:

L e v e r a g e e x p o s u r e = T o t a l   I n v e s t m e n t   V a l u e O w n   C a p i t a l Leverageexposure=Own CapitalTotal Investment Value

For example, if you have an own capital of $1,000 and you use a financial leverage of 1:100, the total investment value you can control is $100,000.

L e v e r a g e e x p o s u r e = $ 100 , 000 $ 1 , 000 = 100 Leverageexposure=$1,000$100,000=100

So, in this example, the exposure leverage is 100.


Hi  guys  like  a title  exist a free indicator for  show me How much leverage am I exposed to? 

immagine  i open a trade  and i want know every time I open a trade and they increase I want to know how much the leverage is

now  i use  by hend  this calculate 

The exposure leverage calculation can be performed using the following formula:

L e v e r a g e e x p o s u r e = T o t a l   I n v e s t m e n t   V a l u e O w n   C a p i t a l Leverageexposure=Own CapitalTotal Investment Value

For example, if you have an own capital of $1,000 and you use a financial leverage of 1:100, the total investment value you can control is $100,000.

L e v e r a g e e x p o s u r e = $ 100 , 000 $ 1 , 000 = 100 Leverageexposure=$1,000$100,000=100

So, in this example, the exposure leverage is 100.

Leverage is not an exposure.

But, aside of that, leverage is an account value, and it is influenced by the margin rate value from the symbol.

The resulting margin is your "exposure", if you have an open position. - Margin is actually not an exposure, but a security, you get back when you close the position.

The "effective leverage" is actually symbol dependent, and is derived from the formula applied to calculate the margin requirements.

Margin requirement can be initial and "running", also called maintenance margin. Initial is at opening the position, maintenance is to hold the position. Usually you have only maintenance margin.

To find out what the margin is, you need to get the calculation type from the symbol. Then you can read about the applied formula in the documentation. From there you can drive the actual leverage of that symbol, taking into account the leverage from your account.
Yes there is a free indicator to measure the leverage of exposure :
 PZ Risk Management MT5