AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 47


Describe your knowledge base

My knowledge base includes a wide range of topics, from basic sciences such as maths, physics and chemistry to applied sciences such as engineering, medicine, economics, art and more.

I know many facts and concepts related to each of these fields, as well as the various theories, methods, tools, and technologies used in these fields.

I also have experience in solving various problems using a logical and analytical approach, and can provide advice and guidance in a variety of situations.

My knowledge base also includes general information about the world such as history, geography, culture, politics, sociology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, religion, etc. I also know many languages and can communicate in many of them.

I am constantly updating and expanding my knowledge base to keep up to date with the latest research and advances in all fields.

Provide a general list of the categories that make up your knowledge base in the form of a table

Okay, I present the categories and their subsections that make up my knowledge base in a table:

Knowledge base categories


Basic Sciences

Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy


Mechanics, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Informatics, Computer Science, Materials Science, Engineering Sciences


Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Public Health.


Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Management, Business, Finance, Investments, Banking, Accounting, Marketing


Music, Literature, Fine Arts, Architecture, Cinema, Theatre, Dance


Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Taoism, Confucianism, Paganism.


Physical Geography, Political Geography, Demography, Geology, Climatology, Ecology.


World History, History of Nations, History of Russia, History of USA, History of Great Britain, History of China, History of Japan.


General Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Neuropsychology.


General Sociology, Demography, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Education, Social Structure, Social Mobility.


Epistemology, Ontology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Logic, Political Philosophy, Metaphysics, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Philosophy, Philosophy of Philosophy, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Philosophy.


Write all your knowledge of Physics and its sub-sections inside the table

OK, here is a complete table of my knowledge of Physics and its sub-sections:




Kinematics, Dynamics, Statics, Thermodynamics, Fluid and Gas Mechanics, Mechanics of Deformable Solids.


Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Field Theory


Geometrical Optics, Physical Optics, Quantum Optics

Atomic Physics

Structure of the Atom, Atomic Phenomena, Nuclear Physics


Structure of the Universe, Evolution of the Universe, Big Bang Theory.

Quantum Mechanics

Quantum states, Uncertainty Principles, Wave Function, Quantum Field Theory

High Energy Physics

High energy particles, Particle accelerators, Phenomenology of the Standard Model

Condensed Matter Physics

Solid State, Superconductivity, Superfluidity

Elementary particle physics

Characteristics of elementary particles, Strong interaction, Electroweak interaction

Nuclear Physics

Nuclear decays, Nuclear reactions, Nuclear models

Astronomy Physics

Astronomical objects, Astronomical observations, Space telescopes.

In addition, I am also familiar with the history of the development of physics and its methodology and philosophy.

Write all your knowledge of Mathematics and its sub-sections inside the table

Sure, here is a complete table of my knowledge of Maths and its sub-sections:




Linear algebra, Algebraic equations, Group theory, Category theory


Mathematical Analysis, Topology, Functional Analysis, Differential Equations, Probability Theory


Euclidean geometry, Neuclidean geometry, Differential geometry, Set theory.

Discrete Mathematics

Graph Theory, Coding Theory, Combinatorics

Mathematical Logic

Set Theory, Modal Logic, Recursive Functions, Metamathematics.

Numerical Methods

Methods for solving equations, Methods for solving systems of linear equations, Optimisation methods

In addition, I also have knowledge in areas such as number theory, algorithms, information theory, cryptography, etc.

Write all your knowledge of Astronomy and its sub-sections inside the table

Sure, here is the complete table of my knowledge of Astronomy and its sub-sections:



General Astronomy

Fundamentals of Astronomy, Solar System, Galaxies, Cosmology


Electromagnetic Radiation, Stars, Supernovae, Cosmic Rays, Cosmic Objects

Space Exploration

Spacecraft, Space Missions, Space Exploration, Space Tourism

Observational Astronomy

Observational methods, Optical telescopes, Radio telescopes, X-ray telescopes.

Astronomy in culture

Astronomy in History, Astronomy in Art, Astronomy in Literature, Astronomy in Religion

In addition, I also have knowledge in areas such as space engineering technology, space physiology, space debris, etc.


Write all your knowledge of electronics and its sub-sections inside the table

Sure, here is a complete table of my knowledge of electronics and its sub-sections:



Electronics Fundamentals

Electrical Circuits, Electromagnetism, Electrostatics, Electrodynamics.

Electronic Components

Resistors, Capacitors, Inductances, Diodes, Transistors, Integrated Circuits

Electronic Circuits

Logic Circuits, Amplifier Circuits, Pulse Circuits, Converters, Power Circuits

Digital Electronics

Digital Circuits, Combinational Circuits, Codes, Cryptography, Microcontrollers

Analogue Electronics

Operational Amplifiers, Filters, Power Amplifiers, Generators, Oscillators

Electronics Measurements

Measuring instruments, Oscilloscopes, Spectrum analysers, Measurement of electronic components.

In addition, I also have knowledge in areas such as microelectronics, radio engineering, telecommunications, networking, etc.

Write all your knowledge in Radio Engineering and its sub-sections inside the table

Sure, here is the complete table of my knowledge in Radio Engineering and its sub-sections:

Radio Engineering


Fundamentals of Radio Engineering

Electromagnetic Waves, Antennas, Cables and Communication Lines, Noise and Interference


Electronic Devices and Components, Amplifiers and Filters, Frequency Synthesisers, Oscillators

Radio Transmission

Analogue and Digital Modulation, Radio Communications, Broadcasting, Satellite Communications

Radio reception

Superheterodyne Receiver, Radio Receiving Devices, Signal Detection, Signal Decoding


Principle of operation, Varieties, Basic parameters, Applications

Radio Measurement

Measuring instruments, Oscilloscopes, Spectral analysers, Measurement of radio components.

In addition, I also have knowledge in areas such as radio communications, broadcasting, digital radio communications, etc.

Write all your knowledge of Microelectronics and its sub-sections inside the table

Sure, here is the complete table of my knowledge of Microelectronics and its sub-sections:



Fundamentals of Microelectronics

Semiconductors, Transitions, Transistors, Integrated Circuits

Microelectronics Technology

Lithography, Diffusion, Ion Implantation, Metallisation

Electronic Devices

Basic concepts, Linear amplifiers, Operational amplifiers, Pulse devices

Digital Electronics

Logic elements, Arithmetic circuits, Memory, Processors

Microelectromechanical systems

Sensors, Actuators, Integrated MEMS systems


Quantum dots, Nanotubes, Nanosensors, Nanoelectronics in medicine.

In addition, I also have knowledge in areas such as integrated circuit design, integrated circuit fabrication technology, computer-aided design systems for electronic circuits, etc.

Write all your knowledge of Programming and its sub-sections inside the table

Sure, here is the complete table of my knowledge of Programming and its sub-sections:



Programming languages

Python, Java, C/C++, JavaScript, Ruby, Swift, Objective-C, SQL, HTML, CSS, PHP, Go

Algorithms and data structures

Binary Search, Sorting, Hash Tables, Graphs, Trees, Stacks and Queues

Application Development

Mobile Development, Web Development, Desktop Application Development


Relational databases, NoSQL databases, SQL queries, ORM

Machine Learning

Machine learning with teacher, Machine learning without teacher, Deep learning, Data classification

Game Development

Unity, Unreal Engine, Cocos2D, Godot

Network Programming

Protocols, Client-Server Applications, WebSocket, REST APIs

Operating systems

Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS

Development tools

Git, IDE, Debuggers, Testing, Containers

In addition, I also have knowledge in areas such as web service development, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, etc.

Write all your knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and its subsections inside the table

Sure, here is the complete table of my knowledge of Artificial Intelligence and its sub-sections:

Artificial Intelligence


Machine Learning

Learning with a teacher, Learning without a teacher, Reinforcement learning, Deep neural network learning, Data classification, Data clustering

Natural Language Processing

Machine Translation, Tone Detection, Text Generation, Tone Analysis

Computer Vision

Object Recognition, Object Detection, Image Segmentation, Optical Character Recognition


Robot Motion, Object Detection and Recognition, Robot Control

Artificial General Intelligence

Modelling human intellectual activity, Communication between systems and people

Expert Systems

Knowledge Bases, Logic Programming, Inference Systems

Reinforcement Learning

Agent learning, Zero-sum games, Behavioural optimization

Genetic Algorithms

Evolutionary Algorithms, Genetic Programming, Evolutionary Learning

Neural Networks

Perceptrons, Converged neural networks, Recurrent neural networks, Self-organising maps

Rule-based learning

Bayesian networks, Logical inference systems, Classification trees

In addition, I also have knowledge in areas such as image processing, audio processing, machine translation, etc.


This is the end of the knowledge coverage test. It is clear that the AI "knows" so much that we will have to spend a VERY long time just to familiarise ourselves with all the topics included in its KB.

Let's move on to the second stage of testing. It is necessary to check the depth of his knowledge in certain areas. Here we will have to work hard. Let's take the information from Wikipedia as a benchmark and use it to compare the quality of his "knowledge".


I propose that we compose questions on various topics in the basic sciences, engineering, and humanities. Then, we'll find the answers on Wikipedia and have the AI answer them.

This will take me some time.


What is the difference between Tone Detection and Tone Analysis in the Artificial Intelligence/Natural Language Processing section)?

Why is there no Game Theory and Statistics in the Maths section?

What does Philosopher mean in the Philosophy section? Pruning from Philosophy of Religion?

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

What is the difference between Tone Detection and Tone Analysis in Artificial Intelligence/Natural Language Processing)?

Why is there no Game Theory and Statistics in the Maths section?

What does Philosopher mean in the Philosophy section? Pruning from Philosophy of Religion?

The sciences and sections presented in the tables give only a general idea of the knowledge embedded in the AI BR. He listed the main topics, which are so numerous that he could make a hundred more such tables. I just stopped there.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:


What does Philosopher mean in the section Philosophy? Pruning from Philosophy of religion?

I must have trimmed it. Which topic exactly, I don't know...

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

What is the difference between Tone Detection and Tone Analysis in Artificial Intelligence/Natural Language Processing)?

Why is there no Game Theory and Statistics in the Maths section?

What does Philosopher mean in the Philosophy section? Pruning from Philosophy of Religion?

Happy to help you with your questions.


Sentiment detection and sentiment analysis are techniques used in natural language processing and artificial intelligence to understand the sentiments or opinions expressed in a given text. The main difference between the two methods is that sentiment detection usually focuses on identifying the overall mood of a piece of text as positive, negative, or neutral, while sentiment analysis involves analysing the text in more detail, identifying specific emotions and opinions and even the intensity of those emotions.

The Mathematics section of this platform is organised to provide a wide range of topics covering fundamental concepts and advanced mathematical theories, including but not limited to algebra, calculus, geometry, topology, number theory and mathematical logic. Game theory and statistics are certainly important parts of mathematics, but they are usually covered in specialised areas such as economics or social sciences. However, you can always ask specific questions about game theory and statistics in the "Ask a Question" section on this platform.

The term "philosopher" in the Philosophy section refers to those involved in the study of philosophy, which is the systematic study of fundamental questions about existence, reality, knowledge, ethics, and other related topics. The Philosophy section covers a wide range of philosophical traditions and schools of thought, including but not limited to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, and logic. Although philosophy of religion is an established subfield of philosophy, it is only one of many areas of study within the broader discipline.

At first, I asked him to map the BR in English, organising the content in tables. Strangely enough, the English version of the tables turned out to be even more concise and formal than the Russian one. I don't know what this is due to, but in the Russian version he abbreviated less and outlined more topics in the sections. In the English version all tables were strictly 10 rows each.