AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 35

You have to ask "off the internet" questions
Andrey Dik #:

ahtyzhyoshkin cat!!! it worked! apparently he needs to be rubbed sometimes, like: "eh, your answer is not convincing, try harder, please". But it worked.

I guess it's too early to be happy. Here's a more complex variant in that discussion thread:

Let's try a more complicated version of the system of equations:

Peter Konow

Ok, now try to solve this:

3(x - y) + 5x = 2(3x - 2)

4x - 2(x + y) = 4 - 3y


To solve the system of equations:

3(x - y) + 5x = 2(3x - 2)

4x - 2(x + y) = 4 - 3y

we can start by substituting 3x - 2 for 2(3x - 2) in the first equation:

3(x - y) + 5x = 6x - 4

3x - 3y + 5x = 6x - 4

8x - 3y = 6x - 4

2x - 3y = -4

Next, we can isolate x by adding 3y to both sides:

2x = -4 + 3y

2x = 3y - 4

x = (3y - 4)/2

Now, we can substitute this expression for x into the second equation:

4x - 2(x + y) = 4 - 3y

4((3y - 4)/2) - 2(x + y) = 4 - 3y

6y - 8 - 2x - 2y = 4 - 3y

4y - 8 = 4 - y

5y - 8 = 4

y = 4 + 8/5

y = 4.8

Finally, we can substitute the expression for y into the expression for x that we found earlier:

x = (3y - 4)/2 x = (3 * 4.8 - 4)/2 x = (14.4 - 4)/2 x = 10.4/2 x = 5.2

So the solution to the system of equations isx = 5.2 and y = 4.8.


The correct answer is:x = 1; y = 2;

Aliaksandr Hryshyn #:

Your task in MQL5 :)

My answer here was:


Immediately after I corrected him the first time, he solved a simple system of equations correctly. Then, I offered him a more complicated variant and he did it all wrong again. Although, he did not write outright nonsense as in the beginning.

This is how the problem should be solved (

Example of solving a system of equations
by addition method

Consider a system of equations.

3(x - y) + 5x = 2(3x - 2)
4x - 2(x + y) = 4 - 3y

Open the brackets and simplify the expressions in both equations.

3x - 3y + 5x = 6x - 4
4x - 2x - 2y = 4 - 3y
8x - 3y = 6x - 4
2x -2y = 4 - 3y
8x - 3y - 6x = -4
2x -2y + 3y = 4
2x - 3y = -4
2x + y = 4

We see that there is a "2x" in both equations. Our task is to make the "2x" cancel each other when adding the equations and the resulting equation has only "y".

To do this, it is enough to multiply the first equation by"-1".

2x - 3y = -4 |-(-1)
2x + y = 4
2x - (-1) - 3y - (-1) = -4 -(-1)
2x + y = 4
-2x + 3y = 4
2x + y = 4

Now when we add the equations, we will only have "y" left in the equation.

-2x + 3y = 4 (-2x + 3y ) + (2x + y) = 4 + 4
+ => -2x + 3y +2x + y = 4 + 4
2x + y = 4 4y = 8 | :4
y = 2

Let's substitute the obtained numerical value "y = 2" into the first equation and find "x".

-2x + 3y = 4
y = 2
-2x + 3 - 2 = 4
y = 2
-2x + 6 = 4
y = 2
-2x = -2 | :(-2)
y = 2
x = 1
y = 2

Source :
§ Системы уравнений. Как решать системы уравнений
  • Gurov Boris
Урок: решение систем уравнений способом подстановки и сложения.
I remember in school, we solved systems of equations with four unknowns and fractions. I don't remember which class.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn #:
You have to ask "off the internet" questions.

What kind of questions?

Реter Konow #:

Which ones are these?

Well, for example, describe a case where you have to make equations and solve them

Реter Konow #:

Which ones are these?

Greetings, Peter! Question: what will happen to artificial intelligence if humanity completely disappears.

With respect, Vladimir.

Aliaksandr Hryshyn #:

Well, for example, describe a case where you have to make equations and solve them

Peter Konow

My friend gave me some amount of money in an envelope today in the morning. I went to my banker and said "put this amount of money onto my account and tell me how much do I have". I had 1000 dollars on my account yesterday. The banker did as I asked and replied, "Sir, you've got 1567 dollars on your account after this transaction.". ChatGPT, please calculate how much money did my friend gave me in that evelope?


Sure! To calculate the amount of money your friend gave you, we can subtract the balance you had before the deposit (1000 dollars) from the balance after the deposit (1567 dollars).

So, the amount your friend gave you would be:

1567 dollars - 1000 dollars = 567 dollars.

Therefore, your friend gave you 567 dollars in the envelope.


My friend gave me some money in an envelope this morning. I went to my banker and said: "Put this amount of money in my account and tell me how much I have." Yesterday I had $1000 in my account. The banker did as I asked and replied, "Sir, after this transaction you have $1567 in your account." ChatGPT, please calculate how much money my friend gave me in this envelope?


Sure! To calculate the amount of money your friend gave you, we can subtract the balance you had before the deposit ($1000) from the balance after the deposit ($1567). So, the amount of money your friend gave you would be: $1,567 - $1,000 = $567. Thus, your friend gave you $567 in an envelope.