AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 153

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
Well, it's not the world, it's the mind. The world is a concept of the mind. By understanding the nature of the mind, one understands all its concepts.

Even in some other states I find the concept of the world difficult)))))) Schrödinger is easier to come by, or gardening))))))

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

Starting with the simplest definitions, then complicate it to the modern understanding and link it with the rest of the philosophical categories like Matter, Being, Quantity, Form, etc.

The most bad concepts: being, consciousness, universe, morality, intellect, mind, reason.

As soon as they are involved in a discussion, then an endless discussion begins.

As soon as you ask "what are the physical properties of infa if it is matter"



I think I'll abstain. For those who can read, I have already expressed all the curious theses.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Even in some other states I find the concept of the world difficult)))))) Schrödinger is easier, or vegetable gardening))))

The funny thing is that when the large hemispheres were formed from a bundle of nerves responsible for sexual behaviour, the brain then did not even expect to start thinking so actively about eternal things.

And now, in between, it tries hard to squeeze out great truths.

Well, the results of such thinking by a part of the sexual organ are clear to everyone :)

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

The funny thing is that when the large hemispheres were formed from the bundle of nerves responsible for sexual behaviour, the brain then didn't even expect to start thinking so actively about eternal things.

And now, in between, it persistently tries to squeeze out great truths.

Well, the results of such thinking by a part of the sexual organ are clear to everyone :)

The amoeba certainly didn't expect the ancestors to start thinking.)

Children are our everything.)

Реter Konow #:
Cognises existing information? Let's explore this in more detail.

When cognising an object of the external world, a person carries out complex work - interacts with the external object and through the sensory organs receives streams of data, which is combined into a preliminary model and makes the first interpretations of the experience of interaction. Then, continues observation, collects new data, structures new representations and complicates interpretations. Then, consolidates the assumptions into hypotheses and theories, but does not stop there and criticises the conclusions, testing the stability of the concepts through feedback from the object, and constantly looking for evidence of the objectivity of the results achieved.

In the end, the sum of the collected data - a synthetic information product obtained by considerable effort and painstaking labour of the human mind - is simply attributed to matter, claiming that it HAS told us everything about itself by transmitting all the information to us through the waves. Allegedly, the theory of the atom's structure already existed somewhere, and man only tuned in to the frequency and accepted all explanations from matter. Sounds a little silly, doesn't it?

Man cognises not information, but the object "beyond the horizon". With information he describes it long and painfully, with mistakes and inaccuracies.

Matter through interaction provides only data. And this is the first step in the creation of information. But data without interpretation is not information.

Any physical, chemical, etc. law is information. No?

These laws are discovered (from the word "discovery"), not invented. No?

It's like Columbus discovering America, which existed on its own, but Europe was unaware of it. Now everyone knows it exists. )

Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, which existed on its own, Coulomb discovered the law of electrostatic interaction ...

The cherry on the cake: what is the carrier of physical laws that are objective reality given to us in sensation?

Well, and what physical properties these laws have (information).

Алексей Тарабанов #:

It's like Columbus discovering America, which existed on its own, but Europe didn't know it. Now everyone knows it exists. )

Information exists independently of the subject's knowledge of that information. Information can be transmitted or received through various means, and may or may not be available to someone who can use it for their own purposes. For example, if someone does not know that the Earth is round, it will not change the fact that the Earth is round. Facts and knowledge exist outside of our awareness of them, but having knowledge can enhance our use of that information.


Facts are objective events or phenomena that occur in the world, and they exist outside of our awareness.

Knowledge, on the other hand, is information or beliefs that exist in a person's mind. They may be based on facts, but they may also be distorted or incomplete. For example, we may not be aware of the existence of a certain country or language, but this will not change the fact that they actually exist.

Thus, we can say that facts and knowledge exist outside of our awareness of them, and our awareness is only a way of accessing those facts and knowledge. (ChatGPT)

Алексей Тарабанов #:

Any physical, chemical, etc. law is information. No?

These laws are discovered (from the word "discovery"), not invented. No?

It's like Columbus discovering America, which existed on its own, but Europe didn't know it. Now everyone knows it exists. )

Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, which existed on its own, Coulomb discovered the law of electrostatic interaction ....

The cherry on the cake: what is the carrier of physical laws that are objective reality given to us in sensation?

Well, and what physical properties these laws have (information).

Lilita Bogachkova #:

Information exists independently of the knowledge of this information on the part of the subject. Information can be transmitted or received through various means, and may or may not be available to someone who can use it for their own purposes. For example, if someone does not know that the Earth is round, it will not change the fact that the Earth is round. Facts and knowledge exist outside of our awareness of them, but having knowledge can enhance our use of that information.


Facts are objective events or phenomena that occur in the world, and they exist outside of our awareness.

Knowledge, on the other hand, is information or beliefs that exist in a person's mind. They may be based on facts, but they may also be distorted or incomplete. For example, we may not be aware of the existence of a certain country or language, but this will not change the fact that they actually exist.

Thus, we can say that facts and knowledge exist outside of our awareness of them, and our awareness is only a way of accessing those facts and knowledge. (ChatGPT)

I'm tired of repeating myself.)) The objective is the world around us with its material objects and properties. It exists independently of us. Information is our subjective reflection of the objective world that we construct through interaction and feedback. We influence the world/world influences us - we get data - we interpret - we get information (informatio - representation in Latin). This concept harmonises perfectly with the etymology of the term.

If we erase all the information collected by mankind about the world, the world will continue to exist, but it will disappear for us. We will "go blind" and start collecting data again.

The world exists without humans, but information (representation) does not.

P.S. It is difficult for us to imagine the world outside of our information about it, so it seems that information exists by itself, but it is not so. Matter exists, and only at a high level of its organisation, when beings capable of processing data appear, information appears. They use it to survive and adapt to conditions. For man, increasing information about the world has long been an end in itself and he invented many methods of working with it (which confuses us), but the essence of the concept does not change.

lynxntech #:

write something useful

list the shit you've written in your last 10 posts?

there's nothing but parentheses and remarks, you're just a blabbermouth.

You better watch your shit.
You're the warmonger here.
Реter Konow #:

I am tired of repeating myself.)) Objective is the surrounding world with its material objects and properties. It exists independently of us. Information is our subjective reflection of the objective world, which we construct through interaction and feedback. We influence the world/world influences us - we get data - we interpret - we get information (informatio - representation in Latin). This concept harmonises perfectly with the etymology of the term.

If we erase all the information collected by mankind about the world, the world will continue to exist, but it will disappear for us. We would be "blinded" and start collecting data again.

The world exists without humans, but information (representation) does not.

P.S. It is difficult for us to imagine the world outside of our information about it, so it seems that information exists by itself, but it is not so. Matter exists, and only at a high level of its organisation, when beings capable of processing data appear, information appears. They use it to survive and adapt to conditions. For man, increasing information about the world has long been an end in itself and he invented many methods of working with it (which confuses us), but the essence of the concept does not change.

How will the world continue to exist without us, when the very notion of existence does not exist? :) and why will it continue, how do you know?