AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 135


Looks like Peter Konov... No, that's just me.)


In a previous post I questioned whether chat knows what it's talking about and where the phrase "first was the word..." comes from, but no, it does.

So chat knows how to be ironic when he continued the phrase "first there was a word..." -> "And then there was an idea, and after the idea there was action."


Well, that's what I'm talking about.)

Even the AI has got it figured out by now:

As an artificial intelligence, I cannot evaluate information in terms of whether it is material or not. Information is an abstract concept that can be represented in various forms such as text, sound, image, etc. It can be stored on physical media such as hard discs or computer memory, but information itself is not material.

There is currently no scientific proof that matter can be created from information. Currently, research in quantum physics and information technology makes it possible to create new materials and control the properties of existing materials using information, but this does not mean that matter can be created from information directly.

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
Even the AI has got it figured out by now:

As an artificial intelligence, I cannot evaluate information in terms of whether it is material or not. Information is an abstract concept that can be represented in various forms such as text, sound, image, etc. It can be stored on physical media such as hard discs or computer memory, but information itself is not material.

Well it is clear that information is not material, information is a description of objects and phenomena.
information != matter. but matter includes information about itself, matter cannot be compressed without loss of information, but information can be compressed and matter can be reconstructed from it.
Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

At the moment there is no scientific proof that matter can be created from information. At present, research in quantum physics and information technology makes it possible to create new materials and control the properties of existing materials using information, but this does not mean that matter can be created from information directly.

Matter cannot be created from information directly, just as one cannot create bread directly from a bread recipe by throwing the recipe into a pan. information, roughly speaking, is a description and/or an algorithm, following which any object and matter can be recreated. similarly, a material Cheburashka can be created from its description - information about it, by creating its model and then materialising it following the model.

So we can probably say that the main difference between information and matter is compressibility without loss of the former and incompressibility without loss of the latter. and matter can carry information, but information can not carry matter.
So, what is the physical difference between a blank disc and a recorded disc? The physical difference is that a blank disc is more isotropic. therefore, the more information (uncompressed) a material object contains, the less isotropic it is. increasing isotropy means loss of information.

A promising direction of AI is the connection between the appearance of living beings (animals and plants) and their DNA. we add DNA and species correspondences to the database and train them, we will be able to obtain the DNA of any kind of creature by description. well, it is difficult to imagine what this can lead to, including the emergence of a new species, more intelligent than man.


Andrey Dik #:

A promising direction of AI is the connection between the appearance of living beings (animals and plants) and their DNA. we add DNA and species correspondences to the database and train them, we will be able to obtain the DNA of any kind of creature by description. well, it is difficult to imagine what this can lead to, including the emergence of a new species, more intelligent than man.

It's already being done behind closed doors by specially trained people. There's a good YouTube blogger ALI recently talked about it. Check it out if you haven't already.

Ilya Filatov #:

So this is already being done by "specially trained people behind closed doors". A good YouTube blogger ALI recently talked about it. Check it out if you haven't already.

Well, then everything is real. I mean, everything can become real, even the unreal Cheburashka))))))

I did not post beautiful girls with horns from the neighbouring thread in the last post, it would be unethical in the context of the post. it just becomes clear what modern technologies are capable of and from what unexpected angles modern generative networks can be applied.