AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 121


It's not that hard


I need a Nobel right away)

// I think we should start by having collection/disassembly, disposal, recycling robots at every local landfill.

// Though a simple sorter near each rubbish can would be an interesting adjustment too.

// Stump drones could fly around the city and collect cigarette butts and wrappers

// If anyone thinks AI won't change the world, they are sorely mistaken.

// You can also think of a scheme with roads. AI will check every scrap of road in the country and prioritise from traffic congestion where to send repair equipment first.

// Increased efficiency and prioritisation in each direction. Cost and exhaust efficiency calculations. No more "We wanted to do it the right way, but it turned out the same way as always".


I mentioned the roads and got the information from the AI.

// Note that this is not GPT4, but GPT3 and the information is limited to 2021.

// I think it is much easier and faster to make a plan of action with the help of AI than to gather a circle of experts and wait two months for a report.


I'll write a separate post and call it a day.

Here is a phrase that the problem in the country is "fools and roads".

Solving the problem of "fools" will solve everything. It's always the human factor that spoils everything.

Snow piled up and the machinery didn't get out. Someone didn't give a command, is waiting for something, etc.

Or a "clever and active influential person" came, gave a lot of stupid instructions and left, and people clean up.

But if every task would be evaluated by AI with understanding of the case, offering the best solution to the problem, then ....

//to put it simply, if all such people had an AI assistant device, it would make their work easier and at the same time would be a controller of their actions with a social rating system.

That's it for now.

Vitaliy Kuznetsov #:

//simply put, if all such people had an AI assist device, it would make their job easier and at the same time be a controller of their actions with a social rating system.

That's it for now.

Exactly, when AI will determine (control) people's behaviour, that will be the end of it.

I think people are on the way to magic, all that's left is to learn how to get matter from energy and call the chatbot "The Universe".
Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Somehow we forgot about desires, and reason is first of all satisfaction of something. And algorithms without desires and needs are cool tools in the hands of reasonable people, but not minds)))))

There you go

I wonder how the reason for the origin of a goal relates to the technology of forming a decision on how to achieve this goal...?

It is obvious that the body of any organism generates tasks to fulfil its needs.... and, of all the tools known to us, only a certain information processing technology will bear the name "Mind", in the case of a sufficiently high percentage of successes achieved by it.

"Mind" in the hands of another "Mind" is completely unpunishable...
I don't know what you don't like about it

Ilya Filatov #:

Exactly, when AI will determine (control) the behaviour of humans, it will be a WHOLE thing.

AI can control people only at the will of other people.) Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others).

onceagain #:

Oh, boy.

I wonder how the cause of the goal relates to the technology of forming a decision on how to achieve this goal...?

It is obvious that the body of any organism generates tasks to fulfil its needs.... and, of all the tools we know, only a certain information processing technology will bear the name "Mind", in case of a high enough percentage of successes achieved by it.

"Mind" in the hands of another "Mind" is completely unpunishable...
I don't know what you don't like about it

You answered your own question yourself. Reason is the vector of purpose. And AI has no reason. ))))

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

You answered your own question. Reason is the vector of purpose. And AI has no reason. ))))

So, "does it need one?..." (as they say in Odessa)

(and in general,... even distant ancestors noticed: the smarter you are, the less you need...). The Absolute Mind, by the way, will not care about anything at all )