Is this information is true about MT4 & MT5 Trade Context Memory? - page 2

Each EA in MT4 occupies either zero or one trading context. Not zero only during a trade order.

Therefore, if nine advisors simultaneously send a trade order, then one of them will face a lack of trade contexts.

There is no such problem in MT5.
fxsaber #:
Each EA in MT4 occupies either zero or one trading context. Not zero only during a trade order.

Therefore, if nine advisors simultaneously send a trade order, then one of them will face a lack of trade contexts.

There is no such problem in MT5.
Thank you for this confirmation.
fxsaber #:
Each EA in MT4 occupies either zero or one trading context. Not zero only during a trade order.

Therefore, if nine advisors simultaneously send a trade order, then one of them will face a lack of trade contexts.

There is no such problem in MT5.
You mean to say. MT4 has only 1 Trade contexts as i assumed?.
anuj71 #: You mean to say. MT4 has only 1 Trade contexts as i assumed?.

MT4 has eight (8) for many years. What part of “Therefore, if nine advisors simultaneously send a trade order, then one of them will face a lack of trade contexts” (#11) was unclear?

William Roeder #:

MT4 has eight (8) for many years. What part of “Therefore, if nine advisors simultaneously send a trade order, then one of them will face a lack of trade contexts” (#11) was unclear?

I got your point. MT4 has 8 Trade Contexts. What about MT5? how many Trade contexts has MT5 has?

fxsaber #:
There is no such problem in MT5.
@fxaber said there will be no problem with MT5, means MT5 should have more than MT4 right?