Facing inconsistencies with signal providers in MQL5 - page 2

Mahender Bogi #:
I have followed all the instructions mentioned above, but looks like theres a bug in MQL5.

Bug for you and not a bug for any other traders? It is impossible.
Besides, I found some positions (on your log) which you have as open positions but signal provider does not have those positions ... it means: you are using this trading account for trading together with the signal probider - which is prohibited, or you copy stop loss and take profit in the subscription settings.

Not a bug.
I already post the ideas about why it may be happened - post

Facing inconsistencies with signal providers in MQL5
Facing inconsistencies with signal providers in MQL5
  • 2024.03.20
  • Mahender Bogi
  • www.mql5.com
Im seeing issues with signal provider trades & my trades...