Slawa: More about sending tick from one chart to another


I read the article "A question for the MQ developers - how to trigger the tick?" about sending a tick from a live chart to an offline chart.

It works great.

Here is my question:

Is there a way to detect what chart sent the tick?

Example: Chart "EURUSD" is sending ticks to the offline chart, and chart GBPUSD is also sending ticks to the SAME offline chart:

Can the offline chart know if the tick came from the EURUSD or if it came from the GBPUSD chart?
Can the EURUSD and GBPUSD charts send an additional parameter along with the tick so that the offline chart will know where the tick came from?

Thank you for any information you have. This would be a BIG GIANT HUGE help for me. :)


No, You cannot detect chart sent the tick.

In this article You can see that sent message does not contain information about bid or ask. This is message for client terminal to refresh chart and launch EA.

Use Global Variables or shared files to information interchange
No, You cannot detect chart sent the tick.

In this article You can see that sent message does not contain information about bid or ask. This is message for client terminal to refresh chart and launch EA.

Use Global Variables or shared files to information interchange

Thank you Slawa.

I think what I will do is just capture last known prices, then, upon getting a tick from "somewhere but I don't know which chart" I will compare current prices against previous prices and whichever ones have changed, I will execute appropriate code.

Thanks for your help.
