Reset PC and now my agents wont work - page 2

JohnDoh337 #:
We'll, the pc was only crashing when MT was utilizing 100% of ram sooooo....  Not sure what you mean honestly.  Since reset and the MT is not working I've had no crashes

then add a lot more detail about your computer setup otherwise you will continue to get 0 responses from admins.

However, even if mt has some memory leak, it should not cause your pc to crash. Maybe cause Windows to give a BSOD, but you have not described any BSOD errors or posted any logs, therefore the Moderators will not respond, given so little details that you have or have not posted.

JohnDoh337 #:

I've already got 32gb of ram and never had this issue on other PC's, one also has 32gb and the other 16gb.  I just uninstalled and reinstalled and will just wait until they work.  I've been offering my PC resources since 2018 and never had this issue before.  I just install and the agents work and never crashed my pc

are you restarting agents every night? i used to not restart them, but i noticed they werent freeing up resources sometimes, so i would have idle agents using 5+ gigs of ram, restart them nightly fixed this issue, i have 64 gigs of ram and it crashed my computer with a BSOD, out of memory error, about a year ago.

so it can happen that you run out of resources rarely, just restart agents nightly and it should fix this issue.

it has happened to me a few times, and i concluded that it was because they werent freeing up resources when no longer used, restarting my agents nightly has removed the(rare BSOD) crash from my setup.

Why would you guys ever reset your PC (Settings -> System -> Recovery -> Reset this PC -> Reset PC) for something diagnosable/fixable as crashing due to 3rd-party software running the system out of RAM?  Simply install more RAM and be done with it.  Same thing with WHEA or watchdog timeout BSODs; the hardware is unstable and you need to either improve power delivery or adjust your overclocking settings.  Reinstalling Windows via the "Reset this PC" function is only valid for repairing damaged Windows installations where certain software functions aren't working anymore or you're getting software errors without a logical cause; it won't fix hardware errors or issues with software hitting hardware limits.
Shalem Loritsch #:
Why would you guys ever reset your PC (Settings -> System -> Recovery -> Reset this PC -> Reset PC) for something diagnosable/fixable as crashing due to 3rd-party software running the system out of RAM?  Simply install more RAM and be done with it.  Same thing with WHEA or watchdog timeout BSODs; the hardware is unstable and you need to either improve power delivery or adjust your overclocking settings.  Reinstalling Windows via the "Reset this PC" function is only valid for repairing damaged Windows installations where certain software functions aren't working anymore or you're getting software errors without a logical cause; it won't fix hardware errors or issues with software hitting hardware limits.

i did it because it was time, hadnt been formatted in a few years.

its my old bitcoin mining rig, just repurposed for this, it still had miners and weird stuff on it, such as wallets etc, stuff that didnt need to be there any more.

other than that there was no reason to reset/format.

it was just an idle computer, basically another system that i added to the cloud.

the crashes i had were on another system, and i fixed it by adding more ram and restarting the agents nightly.