Validation runs more than 6 hours and not yet completed


Has anyone the same problem ? Have uploaded a new MT5 executable and the validation runs now more than 6 hours and is not yet completed. 

I have also tried to upload an already published i.e. verified EA and even that process never completes.

Stefan Winter:

Has anyone the same problem ? Have uploaded a new MT5 executable and the validation runs now more than 6 hours and is not yet completed. 

I have also tried to upload an already published i.e. verified EA and even that process never completes.

Hi Stefan, 

I have experienced the same issue today while trying to upload an EA, and the validation has been running for 10 hours to current time. Any luck with your validation so far?


No, it is still running ... 11 hours

the same issue to me, maybe it is web problems an not your codes problems, just wait until mql5 website resolve this issue