Software installer for MT4 add ons



Does anyone know of a software installer that will allow me to install an EA, Preset file and template automatically in MT4?

The files are all mine.  So nothing shady going on here.  

I like to know of such a tool because I am planning on selling them.  

I tried creating a .bat file to do this, but the problem I am having is knowing at the user end where MT4 is housed on their computer.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Lode Loyens:


Does anyone know of a software installer that will allow me to install an EA, Preset file and template automatically in MT4?

The files are all mine.  So nothing shady going on here.  

I like to know of such a tool because I am planning on selling them.  

I tried creating a .bat file to do this, but the problem I am having is knowing at the user end where MT4 is housed on their computer.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, sure, there are several ways you can create an installer to automatically install your EA, preset file, and template in MetaTrader 4 (MT4). One popular method is to use a software installer tool like Inno Setup or NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). These tools allow you to create custom installers for Windows applications, including MT4-related files.

Here's a outline of how you can create an installer using Inno Setup:

Download and Install Inno Setup: First, download and install Inno Setup from the official website, here:

Create an Inno Setup Script: Write a script that defines the files to be installed and their destination paths. You'll also specify any additional actions or configurations needed during the installation process. Below is an example script i created some time ago for installing an EA, preset file, and template:

AppName=Your EA Name
DefaultDirName={pf}\Your EA Folder

Source: "YourEA.ex4"; DestDir: "{app}\Experts"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "YourPreset.set"; DestDir: "{app}\Presets"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "YourTemplate.tpl"; DestDir: "{app}\Templates"; Flags: ignoreversion

Filename: "{commonappdata}\MetaQuotes\Terminal\YourMT4InstanceName\profiles\templates"; Parameters: "copy YourTemplate.tpl"; Flags: shellexec waituntilterminated

Replace "Your EA Name" , "Your EA Folder" , "YourEA.ex4" , "YourPreset.set" , "YourTemplate.tpl" , and "YourMT4InstanceName" with your actual EA name, folder, file names, and MT4 instance name.

Compile the Script: Once you've written the script, save it with a .iss extension and compile it using the Inno Setup Compiler. This will generate an executable installer file.

Distribute the Installer: Distribute the generated installer to your customers along with any instructions they might need for installation.

If you follow these steps, you can create a custom installer that automatically installs your EA, preset file, and template in the correct directories for MT4. This will simplify the installation process for your customers and ensure that your files are correctly placed within their MT4 installations.



Thank you a billion times.  I truly wasn't expecting such a detailed response.

I appreciate you very much.



This may be useful for you if you are planning to develop the installer yourself