Arrays with global vars and return method

Hello Slawa,

it is possible to pass arrays as arguments to a function.

Is it possible to return Arrays from an function?

Is it possible to store arrays as global variables via
"datetime GlobalVariableSet( string name, double value)"

1. yes
2. yes. Array should be passed to function as reference
3. yes. One global variable for one item. Create global variable name dynamically (for instance name="gvArrayItem"+i;)
1. yes
2. yes. Array should be passed to function as reference
3. yes. One global variable for one item. Create global variable name dynamically (for instance name="gvArrayItem"+i;)

Slawa, would you have an example for code somewhere? Do you use GlobalVariableSet() or GlobalVariableName() or both?

Thank you.
Oh, OK - it works now, putting the dynamic variable name into GlobalVariableSet() - thx :)
Later is better then never :)