Build 201, fixing missing data problem ??

I have already posted about missing data problem on MT4, when you try and down load the 1min data back to 1999. And there has been another post regarding this matter.

Will you be fixing this problem, and including the fix in the next version, or will you be doing something about before then ??
This is not a problem or error. This function is in process of development. We will improve it.
This is not a problem or error. This function is in process of development. We will improve it.

Tatyana: I have to disaggree with you on this one. This is an error in the new build 200 version, you cant do any proper back testing because there is over 2 months of missing data. In fact the candles/bars completely disappear for that period, and its Oct & Nov/of 2006 that are missing.

Even when you down load 2 yrs of 1min data form Alpari web site, I cant seem to go back any further than Aug/2006, the Strategy tester will not go back any further. You can set the dates to go back 1 year, but it wont give you that when you run the test.