MT5 in the UK

Any possibility of MT5 being banned in the UK?
Any possibility of MT5 being banned in the UK?

MT5 is a platform, a piece of software and not a company or a broker.

Metaquotes is the company that makes the MT5 platform and is a Cypriot based entity (as it is mentioned at the bottom of this website), so I don't see any reason for ban.

MT5 being banned in the UK

I changed the name of your thread from "Russia" to "MT5 in the UK".

for information

Any possibility of MT5 being banned in the UK?

I suspect Metaquotes are aiming to prevent unregulated firms offering MT4/MT5 to US clients.

If Metaquotes do nothing then they risk being banned in the US and potentially lose their entire US business relationships.

I would highly doubt these rumours are political.