Multiple EA


Hello ... I just can't find the right answer in the forum. So I hope there are some specialists here who can help me. I have 10 expert advisors on my real account and would like to only have a maximum of 2 running at any time. the Expert Advisors all work very well. Only if everyone places orders at the same time will there be a problem with the margin. Is there any script or program where I can limit the maximum number of trading EAs? or do I have to create a separate account for each EA? thank you for your help

If they are all running in one terminal you can use terminal global variables:
Dokumentation zu MQL5: Globalvariablen des Kundenterminals
Dokumentation zu MQL5: Globalvariablen des Kundenterminals
Globalvariablen des Kundenterminals - Nachschlagewerk MQL5 - Nachschlagewerk über die Sprache des algothitmischen/automatischen Handels für MetaTrader 5
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Stefan Leonhart: Hello ... I just can't find the right answer in the forum. So I hope there are some specialists here who can help me. I have 10 expert advisors on my real account and would like to only have a maximum of 2 running at any time. the Expert Advisors all work very well. Only if everyone places orders at the same time will there be a problem with the margin. Is there any script or program where I can limit the maximum number of trading EAs? or do I have to create a separate account for each EA? thank you for your help

You will need to have access to the source code of each EA, and then you will need to modify them so that they apply the "colaborative" strategy rules you want.

You can coordinate this by using Global Terminal Variables as suggested by @Carl Schreiber in his post #1.