Replace F12/Shift+F12 with Left/Right Arrow Keys


Is there a way to do this? F12 and Shift+F12 are not the most convenient keystrokes if you use this functionality all the time. The Left/Right arrow keys are much more suitable for such a job. So is there a way to force the Left/Right arrow keys to move ONE CANDLE AT A TIME, instead of F12/Shift+F12? Thanks.

Not naturally in the software.  I vaguely remember writing a Windows program many years ago that would detect when MetaTrader had focus and intercept certain keystrokes, remapping them to different functions by injecting different keystrokes in response.  Even [Ctrl]+[Left] and [Ctrl]+[Right] would be easier than [F12] and [Shift]+[F12].  Sadly, MetaQuotes Software is notoriously unresponsive to suggestions/complaints/bugs in this forum.  In fact, I believe their staff hardly monitors the English forum at all (moderators are community members).  Your best bets would be to create a ticket with the service desk and/or butt-in on a development related thread on the Russian forum where they seem to be more active, and hope that someone agrees with you that this would be a worthwhile change—it certainly would be quite trivial to implement!
Shalem Loritsch #:
Not naturally in the software.  I vaguely remember writing a Windows program many years ago that would detect when MetaTrader had focus and intercept certain keystrokes, remapping them to different functions by injecting different keystrokes in response.  Even [Ctrl]+[Left] and [Ctrl]+[Right] would be easier than [F12] and [Shift]+[F12].  Sadly, MetaQuotes Software is notoriously unresponsive to suggestions/complaints/bugs in this forum.  In fact, I believe their staff hardly monitors the English forum at all (moderators are community members).  Your best bets would be to create a ticket with the service desk and/or butt-in on a development related thread on the Russian forum where they seem to be more active, and hope that someone agrees with you that this would be a worthwhile change—it certainly would be quite trivial to implement!
I agree with you. [F12] is way up there and hard to reach when you have to press it potentially hundreds of times. I get [F8] for properties. Because you press it once, and the properties window opens, you change a setting, and then you close the window. But [F12] is not a ”press once key”, it's a key that you'll press hundreds if not thousands of time. The [Left]/[Right] arrow keys without any key combination would've been perfect for this.