Limited financial operations choices.


I know what lead to the limited financial operations , but its not from a top-up neither from a withdrawal .

Its an issue i've already reported to admins and the desk . What do i select ?

(i mean , the limitation is stemming from that general site wide issue)


can the desk see multiple tickets ? 

If i respond and start a ticket for this issue and send them the id of the ticket that is directly related will it help ?


it does not accept this answer . 


It is the example which I have - I mean: the ticket will be created after "Other question"


or -

Choose Account \ Ask a question - Just choose "Other questions" option to ask in free form

Sergey Golubev #:

It is the example which I have - I mean: the ticket will be created after "Other question"


or -

Thank you Sergey .

This is a financial operations limited case though . The screen i posted is the only choice .

None of the options fit what is going on , i know what caused this and i had reported it already to an Admin and to the desk .

I want to link the other ticket with this one so the desk can see these things are related . 

Theres probably another 4-5 users affected by this today (i assume) 


Here's the admin suggestion in case anyone comes across a similar issue.