Auto Renew off on subscription but still renew


I turned off the auto renew several days ago but it still auto renew today. How to cancal and back refund?

I unscripted signal before by off the auto renew. Why it failed this time?


I do not know all the particularities (because I do not subscribe to any signal now), but from what I understand from your screenshot:
your auto-renew option is ON (and it is written to press the link to turn it to be Off) -

Jason Chung:

I turned off the auto renew several days ago but it still auto renew today. How to cancal and back refund?

I unscripted signal before by off the auto renew. Why it failed this time?

If it writes Turn Auto Renewal OFF, it means that its ON right now.


Thanks for both reply. However, this is my newsub and the default setting is auto renew NO. I have to manually off it if i dun want to sub any more.

And i had exp to off the auto sub before. Therefore, it should be error this time.

Jason Chung #:

Thanks for both reply. However, this is my newsub and the default setting is auto renew NO. I have to manually off it if i dun want to sub any more.

And i had exp to off the auto sub before. Therefore, it should be error this time.

Your screenshorts are pointing different subscriptions.

Please address to the Servicedesk and provide all the details

Marsel #:

Your screenshorts are pointing different subscriptions.

Please address to the Servicedesk and provide all the details

Do u know the contact of Servicedesk please?

Jason Chung #:

Do u know the contact of Servicedesk please?

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Marsel #:

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