Access Violation After GET Webpage - page 3

Ilyas #:

Could you provide your code for investigation?

Or try this signature:

I will check... We are dealing with GMT+10 and GMT+2, so response might be a bit slower... And I am today and tomorrow only occasionally at my PC.
Ilyas #:

Could you provide your code for investigation?

Or try this signature:

Thanks for your assistance, Ilyas

The code is substantial in length and proprietary/sensitive, so you'll forgive me if it's not "open".

This signature is what I have and it works:

int RegOpenKeyExW(ulong hKey, ushort &lpSubKey[], uint ulOptions, uint samDesired, ulong &phkResult);

HANDLE is a ulong, so that's fine. Although not specified as const, lpSubKey is also fine.

I also tested the signature you provided, and it appears to work.

This is just one of many signatures that need to be reviewed, unfortunately.

Here is a selection of a few more that now seem to be as they need to be to work corrrectly:

int GetUserNameA(uchar &lpBuffer[], ulong &pcbBuffer);
int RegQueryValueExW(ulong hKey, ushort &lpValueName[], uint lpReserved, uint &lpType, uchar &lpData[], uint &lpcbData);
int RegCloseKey(ulong hKey);
int GetComputerNameW(ushort &lpBuffer[], ulong &nSize);

There are lots more that I'm using that need review. I'm working through them with reference to the Microsoft documented signatures.

Getting these exactly right is critical, obviously, although that only really becomes clear with optimisation resulting in memory leaks and access violations when the size/length of items is not correct.

Any additional advice/corrections/comments welcome.


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Ilyas #:

Could you provide your code for investigation?

Or try this signature:

We could confirm, your proposed signature is working as expected.

Thank you for the feedback so far.

May I ask about my "sidequest" concerning typedef??
Dominik Egert #:
May I ask about my "sidequest" concerning typedef?

We are working on it.

Ilyas #:

We are working on it.

That is very appreciated news. Thank you for that.