[request]Privacy issue - page 2


Fernando Carreiro #: Yes ...

OMG! I'll tell an admin to look at this topic.

I'm sending you a friend request again.

Edit: The administration has already been notified.

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

OMG! I'll tell an admin to look at this topic.

I'm sending you a friend request again.


Lets try the mute and remove if anyone up

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #: I'm sending you a friend request again.
Your friend request has now cancelled the Outgoing request.
Fernando Carreiro #Your friend request has now cancelled the Outgoing request.

Wow...thanks for reporting that detail.

Maybe the system interprets that if we have been friends it is as if we have both sent friend requests and if one of us removes him from his list it still interprets that he is waiting for his "false" request to be accepted.

In any case something is obviously wrong. It's not right that the system is "snitching" on who removed you from their list.

Edit: The problem is that I think they finish work in a little while and this won't be reviewed until Monday.

Was it solved ? my friend count went down and no snitch
it happened again  😂 😂 😂