[request]Privacy issue


Happy new year metaquotes admins

You must correct this.

When someone removes you from their list they pop up in your outgoing list of requests .

This is a huge privacy issue . The user should be able to freely remove anyone from their network without the site snitching them to the other person.

Imagine this user is fully registered and i can see their real name , location and their products


Lorentzos Roussos:

Happy new year metaquotes admins

You must correct this.

When someone removes you from their list they pop up in your outgoing list of requests .

This is a huge privacy issue . The user should be able to freely remove anyone from their network without the site snitching them to the other person.

Imagine this user is fully registered and i can see their real name , location and their products .  

This section shows incoming and outgoing friend requests (the ones you have sent) until they are accepted by the other user(s) (that's why they give you the option to cancel them, because they haven't been accepted yet).

It does not show who has removed you from their friends list! 😜

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #: This section shows incoming and outgoing friend requests (the ones you send) until they are accepted by the other user(s). It does not show who has removed you from their friends list! 😜

Actually, that is exactly what happens. Last year, @Lorentzos Roussos and I tested this out, and I can confirm that this is what happens.

Reference: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/437167/page2#comment_43507461

[SOLVED] Outgoing “Friends” request, not initiated by me! - I don’t initiate ‘Friends’ requests, but I do usually accept requests from anyone else; Is it a bug
[SOLVED] Outgoing “Friends” request, not initiated by me! - I don’t initiate ‘Friends’ requests, but I do usually accept requests from anyone else; Is it a bug
  • 2022.11.29
  • www.mql5.com
I usually don’t initiate “friend” requests unless a have a specific reason for it. Solved : when a friend "unfriends" you, they are placed in the outgoing request queue, as explained by @vinicius de oliveira in is post #8 (it goes both ways, irrespective of who initiated the request). [solved] outgoing “friends” request, not initiated by me
craparoonie! 62k friends! what you think this is? another fb? :p
Fernando Carreiro #:

Actually, that is exactly what happens. Last year, @Lorentzos Roussos and I tested this out, and I can confirm that this is what happens.

Reference: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/437167/page2#comment_43507461

I removed you from my list. Do you see that I deleted you? (outgoing list)

I think this happened because he must have sent you a new friend request.

I've noticed also that sometimes users appear and dissappear from the tally 
Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

I removed you from my list. Do you see that I deleted you?

I think this happened because he must have sent you a new friend request.

outgoing not incoming 

Lorentzos Roussos #outgoing not incoming 

Fernando removed you from his list, you should have sent him a new application and attached an image where you are outgoing and waiting for him to accept it.

I have removed Fernando from my list. If you are right he should be on your outgoing list if there is a bug. When he replies we will know for sure.

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

Fernando removed you from his list, you should have sent him a new application and attached an image where you are outgoing and waiting for him to accept it.

I have removed Fernando from my list. If you are right he should be on your outgoing list if there is a bug. When he replies we will know for sure.

If correct you will be on Fernando's outgoing list

And we can also try the mute first remove after 
Lorentzos Roussos #If correct you will be on Fernando's outgoing list


Fernando! Where are you when you are needed?  🤣

@Miguel Angel Vico Alba #: I removed you from my list. Do you see that I deleted you? (outgoing list). I think this happened because he must have sent you a new friend request.

Yes ...