What MQL5 developers think about the Freelance service - page 2

Jefferson Metha:
One thing that I hate in freelance its customers that have a decompile job. 

Some talk and will want you to accept job then they send their 

Ig_98 filled code. 

Agreed . There should be a special provision on the developers choices that allows them to report that without the risk of the freelancer themselves being banned .

Lorentzos Roussos:

Agreed . There should be a special provision on the developers choices that allows them to report that without the risk of the freelancer themselves being banned .

Even a bot that looks at uploaded mq4 and mq5 files if they are decomposed or not. 
Comments that do not relate to this topic, have been moved to "Off Topic Posts".
One thing that I hate in freelance its customers that have a decompile job. 

Fredie Garcia #: One thing that I hate in freelance its customers that have a decompile job. 

Such requests are removed when detected, so report them via the "Complain" link, and do not apply for such jobs when it is mentioned in the opening description.